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Will Brexit turn us into a nation of negative thinking, fixed mind-set quitters?

Will Brexit turn us into a nation of negative thinking, fixed mind-set quitters?

First we quit the EU, our PM then steps down, over half the Labour shadow cabinet resigns and Roy Hodgsen, reporting he lost faith in the England team and they had given up on themselves. Since the referendum there has been an onslaught of negativity and fixed mind-set from every angle.  Whether you voted in or out, it’s paramount that individuals...

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5286 Hits

Top 10 tips to deliver outstanding presentation skills

Top 10 tips to deliver outstanding presentation skills

Does the idea of speaking in public fill you with dread?  If so you’re in the majority also known as Glossophobia, public speaking is one of the most common phobias.  So ahead of our presentations skills course we have put together some top tips you can print out and use to help you get through your next presentation.   Challenge your...

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6380 Hits

Does the idea of speaking in public fill you with dread?

Does the idea of speaking in public fill you with dread?

Does the idea of speaking in public fill you with dread? If so you’re in the majority.  According to the national institute of mental health, up to 75% of people have a phobia of public speaking, also known as Glossophobia.  It doesn’t matter how many times you practice, as soon as you get in front of an audience, your voice starts shaking,...

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5493 Hits

Coming up Trumps to deliver outstanding presentation skills

Coming up Trumps to deliver outstanding presentation skills

If you’re interested in communication that gets a reaction, take a look at the American elections.  Love him or loathe him, Donald Trump is the king of controversy, with his outrageous and self- aggrandising statements. Is it any wonder he’s nearly incited civil war? When he speaks, people listen, even if they don’t like what comes out his mouth. When we...

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6075 Hits

3 techniques you can use to improve team bonding

3 techniques you can use to improve team bonding

What makes your team happy? It’s a very exciting time for my family and friends because I’ve got a new tent. They’re all asking lots of questions: which one did you get, what colour is it, how many does it sleep and the all-important, has it got a fitted carpet? In a study carried out by the Camping and Caravan Club,...

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7821 Hits

5 ways to use positive banter & playful language in the workplace

5 ways to use positive banter & playful language in the workplace

Last week, the BBC reported that businesses are increasingly using comedy, humour and laughter as development skills in the workplace. The power of humour, laughter, fun and happiness is nothing new to us at Laughology.  We first realised the potential of humour and laughter as an effective tool for development in organisations over 10 years ago. Occasionally, in the past when companies...

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13895 Hits

It’s OK to be Happy and Gay in School

It’s OK to be Happy and Gay in School
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I am a Laughologist who happens to be gay. So yes, I am doubly happy! Life is one long Mardi Gras for me full of music, gaiety and laughter. Actually it’s not that far from the truth, I suppose. I’m generally a happy person and I do wear sequins often, however if you sit in my reserved seat on the train,...

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5426 Hits

Discrimination and unconscious bias - Is it OK to laugh about it?

Discrimination and unconscious bias - Is it OK to laugh about it?

You are unquestionably biased. For many, this is difficult to understand and accept. Suppressing this fact and avoiding discussion of your unconscious bias will only strengthen the time-bomb ticking away in teams worldwide. As intuitive, sensitive and professional people we should be above such prejudice? Surely within the public sector, with diversity, equality and accessibility firmly on the agenda we should rise above...

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6705 Hits

Are your Facebook friends really your friends?

Are your Facebook friends really your friends?

A recent article in the Guardian by Eliza Anyangwe, called 'How to nurture your four most important friends' refers to a research paper by evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar. It claims that you can only rely on 1 in 4 of your Facebook friends, and that close friendships need to be maintained in person. This got me thinking: what is defined as a really...

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5581 Hits


September INSET days for schools - LIMITED AVAILABILITY LEFT

We’ll lead again - why it’s time to start leading your school again

7 ways to be a brilliant school leader - not for Ofsted, but for you!

September INSET days for schools - book yours now!

Schools, happiness and laughter - using FLIP-it Thinking

Building Relationships at Surrey Heads Online Conference

Building and maintaining positive relationships with your teaching colleagues - it’s worth it!

How to be braver as a woman thinking about headship

Resilience in schools with Laughology FLIP-it Thinking sessions 

It’s time to welcome our new children’s facilitators

Confrontations in the classroom - can a good giggle be the answer?

Self-reflection for school leaders - make your school a happier place to be

Emotional wellbeing in schools

Menopause awareness in schools

The Happiness Fund - £2500 funding available for projects in your community

Mental wellbeing for teachers - are Geoff and Margaret the new heroes of the teaching profession?

How to feel happier at the start of a new term - we’re going all Adele on you!

Bringing Out the Best in Every Child with Swiss International School

Ofsted inspections: When will they get it right?

Resilience skills at Burpham Primary School

Brands and organisations we work with:

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