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Stephanie once modelled for the cover of a telephone directory and so photographs of her graced hundreds of telephone boxes across the UK.

Stephanie Wilkinson

Psst! - did you know?

Stephanie Wilkinson had the misfortune of sharing a Christian name with Laughology CEO and was quickly re-christened StephW on her appointment.

Originally from the North West, she survives on a diet of Star Bars and convinces herself that the peanuts are one of her five a day.

Vital Stats

  • Who or what makes you laugh until it hurts?
    My sister Charlotte on a recent holiday.
  • What would your superpower be?
  • What's the nicest thing anyone ever said to you?
    You’ve changed my life.
  • What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
    Being kicked out of Elton John’s car.
  • What's your mantra?
    See it, like it, buy it.

Stephanie has over 15 years’ experience as a PA and worked for a large London healthcare company before she joined Laughology in 2016. She is an expert administrator and office manager who ensures the smooth running of Laughology operations.

Unflappable and dependable, Stephanie was one of the key organisers of the inaugural Laughology Happines Awards in 2016 and is a key member of the organising committee. She specialises in logistics, accounts and operations. She once modelled for the cover of a telephone directory and so photographs of her graced hundreds of telephone boxes across the UK.

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