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Vicky is one the nation’s most convincing Anne Boleyn impersonators and has the costume to prove it.

Vicky Maitland

Psst! - did you know?

A vocal chameleon, she can do almost every regional dialect in the UK, which helps no end at Laughology staff meetings, as the company is Northerner-heavy (we’re working on our unconscious bias).

Vital Stats

  • Who or what makes you laugh until it hurts?
    Being silly and enjoying good company.
  • What would your superpower be?
    The ability to read and retain information at superhuman speed ... and flight!
  • What's the nicest thing anyone ever said to you?
    You help make me a better person.
  • What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
    Half of a costume falling off in an outdoor play.
  • What's your mantra?
    Never give up.

Vicky’s experience working in the charity, business and education sectors means she can adapt quickly to any audience. She has a background in the arts, which makes her an engaging facilitator, host and development consultant. She delivers sessions using creative improvisation and brings energy and fun to a room.

Vicky is a go-to for communication, performance and presenting skills and specialises in voice development, a key skill in improving confidence and team building.

In addition to her expertise in learning and development, Vicky is also one of the nation’s most convincing Anne Boleyn impersonators and has the costume to prove it. A vocal chameleon, she can do almost every regional dialect in the UK, which helps no end at Laughology staff meetings, as the company is Northerner-heavy (we’re working on our unconscious bias).

She’s passionate about engaging people through humour, laughter and thinking creatively.  Vicky always ensures her sessions are fun and interactive, and that people leave with new skills feeling happy and confident.

She has consulted for the Northumbrian Water Innovation Festival, delivered communication and confidence skills for University of Cambridge staff, and delivered training for Diabetes UK and Crisis. She has ten years of experience supporting Laughology in delivering transformation programmes for blue-chip clients.

I have had some fantastic feedback, about Victoria, both from the parents and the teachers. Some of the parents have stated that their children loved the sessions and were talking about it ‘non-stop’ when they arrived home.

The teachers were very enthusiastic about the workshops. Some have mentioned an instant change in their class behaved and that the got a lot out of it. We hope to reinforce the FLIP throughout the school with posters, classroom displays and follow up work.

Thank you so much for supporting and helping our school develop a positive mindset.

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