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Laughology - how it works


Watch the Laughology blockbuster. It explains how combining Laugh and Ology creates our legendary workplace learning and development model. It will help you understand how we can laughologise your people and turn your workplace into your happy place.

At Laughology, we understand the science of happiness, humour and laughter more than most, because we’ve spent over a decade studying them and designing ways to make lives better using them.  Our science-backed approach uses data from neuroscientists, psychologists and our own research to underpin everything we deliver and the way in which we deliver it.

We don’t just use laughter and comedy because we are show-offs (although that’s part of it). We know that humour and laughter trigger processes in the brain which make learning more effective. They also trigger the release of certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, which heighten emotional response and maximise neurological function. So, when we present programmes, workshops and keynotes with fun, interaction and laughs, we know that delegates are more likely to remember the key messages and content we deliver.

We also understand that happiness is a much more nuanced emotional state than just being content and pleased with life. No one can be happy all the time – that would be a disorder and if we promised to deliver it, we would get prosecuted under the Trades Description Act. Real happiness – or realistic happiness as we call it - is a complex mix of mindsets and emotional states which combine to create positivity, resilience and robust mental health. Our research tells us that realistic happiness is made of five main drivers. These are confidence, coping skills, positive relationships, support and personal development. Within each of these there are other factors, such as a sense of purpose. We’ve developed a model and a lovely diagram (because people like diagrams) to illustrate this – the Laughology Happiness Matrix (we’re proud if this – can’t you tell).

Of all the emotional states, happiness is arguably the most sought-after and the most elusive. Research has found that happy people contribute more; they are more motivated, supportive, resilient and productive, and they are also healthier. Consequently, happiness is now the Holy Grail that businesses and organisations try to develop in their employees and that governments try to provide to their citizens.

By drilling down into the science of what happiness really is, and designing effective methods to deliver it, Laughology has developed a set of unique, ground-breaking training and development interventions which improve outcomes in all areas of life.

And it works – just ask the people we work with.


Undoubtedly things like being active, safety and security impact on happiness. These are not included on the above matrix as the matrix is designed to help understand where and how skills can be taught to increase happiness and what can improve happiness on a cognitive, relationship and organisational level.
It is important to note that avoiding unhappiness will not make you happy and that happiness is not a constant.

Life is full of challenges and ups and downs. Experiencing all emotions and challenges is part of life’s rich tapestry. Therefore having skills to face any situation, to learn from all experiences and to flourish through tough times as well as happy times will enable a ‘happier’ existence.
‘We should concern ourselves not so much with the pursuit of happiness but with the happiness of pursuit’.

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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.