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Alison Carter

Vital Stats

  • Who or what makes you laugh until it hurts?

    Watching my dog behave like a goofball, which is most of the time! 

  • What would your superpower be?

  • What's the nicest thing anyone ever said to you?

    “You are so creative!”
  • What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?

    Calling a teacher “Mum” in school - is there anything WORSE?!
  • What's your mantra?

    Do what makes you happy.

Alison has been working with young people since graduating from drama school 12 years ago. Her performing arts background means she’s no stranger to acting the clown in pursuit of laughs.  

Alison loves to craft blue Peter-style. She's so good at creating something for nothing she has her own YouTube channel and also delivers extra-curricular prop & puppetry workshops for children.  

The most impressive thing she’s made is a milk bottle dinosaur skull because, let's face it, who doesn’t love a milk bottle dinosaur skull?! 

Alison is a true believer in exploring and nurturing children’s capabilities and talents. She understands that every one of us has unique capabilities and achievements - and we should be very proud of every single one of them, from the smallest to the biggest. 

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