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Laughology: Improve Your Life With The Science Of Laughter

  • Paperback:
    160 pages
  • Publisher :
    Crown House Publishing (27 Jun. 2013)
  • Language:
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • Product Dimensions:
    13.3 x 1.3 x 21 cm
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This is a practical guide to using laughter and humour as a thinking skill to enable you to communicate more effectively. This book explains simple techniques that will improve the reader's ability to gain a more positive perspective in difficult situations and increase his or her happiness through adopting the techniques from the Laughology model.

Topics that are covered in the book include:

  • What is laughter?
  • What is humour?
  • The psychological connection
  • What makes us laugh and how to find your humour trigger
  • Your inner child the natural comedian
  • Appropriate humour and laughter
  • The Smile strategy
  • How to find and sustain your giggle

About the Author

Stephanie Davies is recognized as one of the UK's leading voices in the psychology of laughter and humour. She has over ten years' experience in developing interventions that have been applied in a wide variety of settings dealing with complex public and mental health issues and building teams in high profile organizations.
Well written and funny . . . Stephanie Davies has created a toolkit for helping us positively reframe our daily lives and for putting laughter at the heart of who we are.
Dr David Perrin - Centre for Work Related Studies, University of Chester
Laughology is a wonderful idea and gives people the tools to live life to the full by linking humour, emotion, psychology and health.
Professor Richard Wiseman - University of Hertfordshire, author of 59 Seconds
You’d have to be agelastic, or even misogelastic, to keep a straight face through this playful and practical guide.
Dr Jon Sutton - chartered psychologist and managing editor of The Psychologist

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