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Menopause awareness at work training workshop

The Laughology menopause workshop tackles the issues of menopause at work head-on. It enables organisations to start the menopause debate in an open, engaging, non-threatening and fun way.


  • reduced absenteeism
  • increased well-being
  • improved organisation and working practices

Suited to:

  • managers
  • leaders
  • individual team members

Delivered as:

  • 60 to 90-minute interactive awareness session

Occupational health and menopause awareness in the workplace

'The change’ as an issue affecting a large proportion of the workforce. However, it is still considered a taboo subject by many businesses. Women comprise approximately half (47 percent) of the UK’s workforce.

About 3.5 million are aged 50 and over. 10% of women quit their jobs because of their menopause experience and many others suffer in silence because they feel it is not a subject to be broached - occupational health issues for older workers in general, and older women workers in particular, have often been ignored - or that they will not be taken seriously.

Thousands of female workers experience key menopause symptoms such as:

  • hot flushes
  • irregular periods
  • mood swings
  • anxiety
  • poor memory

Businesses have traditionally been squeamish about addressing issues raised by the menopause. However, as the UK workforce ages, the discussion must open up.

Menopause workshop

The Laugholoy menopause workshop tackles the issues head-on and allows businesses to start the menopause debate in an open, engaging, non-threatening and fun way.

It helps everyone talk openly and honestly about the challenges menopause presents. It addresses misconceptions and provides information on the workplace implications of the process, covering areas such as:

  • symptoms
  • the impact of hormone replacement therapy
  • gender misconceptions 

Most importantly it gives organisations the opportunity to think about support structures for their menopausal staff to allow them to continue to be engaged and productive team members.

Workshop Tone

Our workshops educate and inform about the challenges and myths around the menopause and investigate best practice on how to support people and help them continue effectively in their roles.

We have years of expertise in delivering workshops which address sensitive subjects in an engaging and fun way. Our unique approach promotes audience interaction and openness. It allows conversations to flow, questions to be asked and opinions to be challenged in a safe and non-judgemental forum.

Workshop Outline

The 60 to 90-minute interactive awareness session will help enhance thinking and highlight some of the challenges faced by everyone during menopause. It will investigate positive steps to help manage these.

The session will explore the neuroscience and biological science of menopause to helps managers, leaders, teams and individuals understand the condition and how it can be supported.

The 60 to 90-minute interactive awareness session will help enhance thinking and highlight some of the challenges faced by everyone during menopause. It will investigate positive steps to help manage these.

The session will explore the neuroscience and biological science of menopause to helps managers, leaders, teams and individuals understand the condition and how it can be supported.


Watch Stephanie Davies, Laughology CEO, facilitate a 1-hour Menopause Awareness workshop for Burges Salmon


Put the kettle on, your feet up, and spend a few minutes checking out some of our most popular menopause and the workplace blogs.

We're feeling the love!

‘I’m so grateful we are actually talking about this. What a great session. I learnt so much about myself.’ The course really helped our staff to talk about the menopause, a very taboo subject. Loved the approach 

West Midlands Police

‘The buzz following the workshops was fantastic and they went down so well, we’ve now secured extra funding from the PMAS to deliver some more.’


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