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Nick Harding

Nick once spent a week in Africa rescuing mangy dogs with Mark Owen from Take That

Nick Harding

Psst! - did you know?

Nick once spent a week in Africa rescuing mangy dogs with Mark Owen from Take That

Vital Stats

  • Who or what makes you laugh until it hurts?
    Kim Jong-un
  • What would your superpower be?
    Correct grammar usage init!
  • What is the nicest thing anyone ever said to you ?
    OK, but not in my hair
  • What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
    Male pattern baldness... thanks dad!
  • What's you mantra?
    I could and I might

Nick handles press and PR for Laughology and is an award-winning journalist, author and consultant with over 20 years experience in the media. He has worked in senior positions in national newspapers and magazines and also consults for some of the UK’s top PR agencies.

He is a regular contributor to the national press generating and supplying news and features to a range of publications including The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, The Daily Mirror and The Sun. He has written several Sunday Times bestsellers, secured publishing deals and developed PR strategies for a range of individuals and organisations.

He has interviewed some of the nation’s best-known personalities and has contacts across the newspaper, magazine, broadcast and publishing industries. Nick’s understanding and experience of how the media works and how to communicate effectively within it is unique.

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