For many grads and interns this might be their first job. Being able problem solve, make simple decisions, or know how to ask for help might not come naturally. These simple skills may seem obvious to some but to fresh faced grads or interns, not so much.

Four sessions
Our grads and interns programme is made up of four independent sessions:
- Evolve me
- Mindset
- Resilience
- Career
This means spending a lot of your time helping them learn the basics. And while spending time with grads and interns to mentor and coach is important, failing to give them a good start could mean wasting more time than needed.
This is why laughology has put together a series of workshops to help. The workshops below can be taken as stand alone sessions or as part of a programme. We can work with you to slot them into your time table or develop timings around what you would like. Each workshop is one full day but timings can be tweaked to suit.
Evolve Me:
Individuals will be taken through activities to help them recognise how others might see them, what their development and communication gaps are and how to develop a personal brand.
Additional materials include:
- Personal SWOT activity sheet
- Social awareness & personality questionnaire
- Motivation check sheet
- TEAR Model activity sheet for managing emotions
- Personal brand
My Mindset:
Learning strategies for how we can use growth mindset tools to be innovative and stretch our thinking will support long-term career development and opportunities.
This session will explore what people can do to help themselves be continuous learners and always develop.
Staying ahead and getting ahead.
Additional materials include:
- Growth mindset cheat sheet
- Curious questions for growth thinking activity sheet
- Growth mindset language cheat sheet
My Resilience:
It explores what resilience is and how we can take personal responsibility for staying strong.
It also helps individuals recognise early signs of stress and what they can do about it. we use stand up comedy and improvisation as techniques to explore resilience and growth thinking.
Additional materials include:
- Building your resilience activity sheet
- Reframing wonky thoughts
- Thinking traps and wonky thought
- Get your daily DOSE of resilience and happiness
- FLIP-it thinking cheat sheet
My Career:
It encourages individuals to think about developing a personal purpose statement to guide them when choosing career paths, with an understanding of the importance of broad career moves as well as horizontal ones.
We’ll revisit personal learning and their original SWOT analysis, identifying any blind spots for personal development, and creating a personal and professional plan going forward.
Additional materials include:
- Career planning activity sheet
- Values activity sheet
- SMART planning sheet
- Johari window activity sheet