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Laughology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy and Strategy

Laughology is committed to creating happy workplaces and communities.  Part of our commitment is to continually review and develop our DEI and ESG policies and practices.  Please read about what we are committed to below.

Laughology is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion both within our organisation and in the communities we serve. Embracing DEI not only enriches our corporate culture but also strengthens our business and the wider society. Our DEI strategy outlines how we recruit and retain diverse talent, support underrepresented communities through our Happiness Fund(*) and it’s core objectives of Building happy, strong, resilient communities by supporting grassroots, not-for-profit projects that enable sustainable outcomes in: Mental health Wellbeing & happiness, Inclusion, Learning and skills development for all and set industry standards in equitable practices. We focus on disability inclusion, actively partnering with organisations like RNIB to support cultural development and provide materials that are accessible to those with dyslexia and partial sight. Additionally, Laughology is dedicated to upholding the Modern Slavery Act 2015, ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from modern slavery and human trafficking.  (*https://www.laughology.co.uk/no-category/the-happiness-fund-2)

To lead positive change in DEI at Laughology and the organisations we support through innovative initiatives and practices, driving change and promoting happiness through inclusion and leveraging diversity as a source of innovation and strength.

To integrate DEI into all aspects of our operations and outreach, ensuring every Laughology team member and community member feels valued and supported.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Diverse Recruitment and Retention
    • Increase ethnic group representation in our workforce from 22% to 44% by 2028.
    • Continue partnerships with platforms like Elimu to connect young people from underrepresented groups with career opportunities, aiming to bridge the racial wealth gap.
    • Implement bias-free recruitment practices and offer continuous professional development focused on DEI.
  2. Inclusive Culture and Community Support
    • Expand the Happiness Fund initiatives to support more disadvantaged communities, enhancing their access to education and employment opportunities. https://www.laughology.co.uk/no-category/the-happiness-fund-2
    • Collaborate with other organisations to amplify our impact on DEI, sharing resources and best practices.
    • Organise workshops and events that celebrate and educate on diversity, ensuring all voices are heard and appreciated.
  3. Equitable Opportunities
    • Maintain transparency in promotion and pay processes to ensure fairness and equity.
    • Pay SME’s and freelancers where possible within 14 days of invoicing and all companies within 28 days.
    • Support women in leadership: 61% of our team are women, with 60% in senior positions; continue to nurture female leadership in our own organisation and others and aim to balance gender representation across all levels.
    • Launch and lead initiatives like the menopause programme with West Midlands Police, setting benchmarks for support systems in workplaces. https://www.laughology.co.uk/laughology-case-studies/menopause-awareness-with-west-midlands-police-case-study-2
  4. Compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015
    • Ensure all aspects of our business are free from modern slavery and human trafficking.
    • Request our supply chains to provide business practices to ensure compliance with the modern salvery act 2015.

Implementation Plan

  • DEI Committee: Establish a dedicated DEI committee to oversee the strategy implementation, comprising members from various departments.
  • Training and Awareness: Regular DEI training for all staff, focusing on unconscious bias, cultural competency, and inclusive leadership, as well as training on modern slavery awareness.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct annual DEI and modern slavery compliance audits to assess progress against goals and refine strategies as needed. 

Laughology ESG Policy & Strategy

Introduction Laughology is committed to supporting a sustainable future through comprehensive Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. Our strategy focuses on minimizing our environmental impact, enhancing community engagement, and promoting responsible governance practices. This document outlines key initiatives and goals that align with our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Environmental Initiatives

  1. Going Paperless:
    • Objective: Reduce paper use across all operations to minimise environmental impact.
    • Actions:
      • Implement digital tools and platforms for internal and external communications, reports, and training materials. Internal and external by end 2025
      • Encourage digital-only documentation policies with partners and suppliers.
    • Goal: Achieve a 90% reduction in paper use by 2025.
  2. Sustainable Travel:
    • Objective: Decrease carbon emissions related to business travel.
    • Actions:
      • Promote the use of public transportation, cycling, and walking for local engagements.
      • Invest in carbon offset programs to counteract emissions from essential long-distance travel.
      • Utilize virtual meeting technologies to reduce the need for travel.
    • Goal: Reduce travel-related carbon emissions by 50% by 2025.

Social Initiatives

  1. The Happiness Fund: https://www.laughology.co.uk/no-category/the-happiness-fund-2
    • Objective: Enhance community well-being through targeted support and initiatives.
    • Actions:
      • Allocate funds and resources to support educational and developmental projects that promote happiness and well-being in communities.
      • Engage employees in volunteer activities and community service, aligning with our core values of happiness and well-being.
    • Goal: Support a minimum of 2 community projects each year and increase this to 4 by 2026 and increase employee participation in volunteer activities by 20% annually.

Governance Practices

  1. Transparency and Accountability:
    • Objective: Uphold high standards of integrity and transparency in all business dealings.
    • Actions:
      • Regularly review and update ESG goals and communicate progress in annual sustainability reports.
      • Ensure all business practices are in compliance with national and international laws and regulations.
    • Goal: Maintain full compliance with ESG reporting standards and achieve third-party ESG certification by 2026.


Brands and organisations we work with:

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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.