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Transformation support programme

Transformation and change is often the most challenging part of an organisation’s development.

Laughology transformation and change support programmes are designed to make any process smoother, and create positive outcomes for you and your people.

We have a forensic understanding of the psychology of change and use this expertise to help you set clear pathways towards your organisation’s goals and visions.

We will work with you and your transformation programme team to define a clear change structure and deliver techniques to enable positive mindsets and behaviours. We give leadership and management the capabilities needed to support and coach. We use our expertise in behaviour change, motivation, presentation and communication to help you and your people become flexible thinking, change ninjas who can adapt as quickly as your organisation needs. We will deliver skills that will help your people develop resilience and problem-solving skills and positively shift mindset and behaviour.

We have a 7 staged approach to support your transformation through a shift in mindset and behaviour. While each of our programmes are unique to the organisation. We know transformation works best when it’s structured and collaborative. Through rigorous experience we have designed a staged approach.


Collaboratively building a structure and mapping

Getting to know you, your organisation and your vision. We discuss your expectations and where you want to go and identify the goals you wish to achieve along the way.

Exploration and understanding your culture

Using insights and getting to know your people and culture, we will find out more about the whole organisation and suggest ideas based on our expertise.

Winning hearts and minds and engaging your people

Using the unique Laughology fun, upbeat and interactive approach, we will help you create a narrative and plan communications with teams to get them on board using evidence and fact-based information from our insights.


We will design an inspiring programme and work with you every step of the way to fit with your vision. We recommend growth mindset and resilience as part of most programmes to help shift mindset and get people ready to take on new challenges. We will also recommend further development areas based on our understanding from your team.

Inspire, deliver and develop. Accentuate the positive

We will implement the programme, taking you, your people and organisation on a fun, liberating, effective and science-based journey. The programme can be multifaceted and multilevel and we will help with reach depending in the size of the organisation.

It will be as unique as your organisation. We will communicate effectively details of the journey and why it is happening, positioning this in a positive way - which is key to the success of delivery.

Impact assessment

We suggest a repeat of any qualitative and quantitative assessments carried out during the diagnostic phase. This should provide a tangible and relevant delta to the baseline diagnostics insights in addition to any other feedback mechanisms your organisation uses to capture experiences specifically related to the programme outcomes.

Post programme review

Reviews will be held with lead teams and case study groups to identify lessons learned and agree next steps for the organisation. These next steps can include possible follow-up interventions, communications to the business on the success of the programme to help people map their own journeys.


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At Laughology we are all about relationships and we believe that best relationships are the ones where each side shows long-term commitment, which is why we run a partnership scheme for the organisations we work most closely with.

Being a Laughology Learning Partner earns you discounts and extra benefits within your programme which include freebies and complimentary laugher and learning lunchtime sessions. Our learning partners also enjoy an executive level of access to our experts, ensuring that programme delivery is an on-going, fluid process.

Get in touch if you want to know more.

Brands and organisations we work with:

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You can call us on 0844 800 1701, or use this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.