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Kerry is one of our most experienced and sought-after consultants and facilitators.She delivers sessions and programmes in the private and public sector and has a background in psychological studies.

The Online Meeting Survival Guide


Feel like you’ve been in lockdown forever? Tired of the relentless online meetings? We don’t blame you. So to help you, Kerry Leigh has put together her survival guide, keeping you connected, motivated and fully aware that no one needs to see your knickers. Online Meetings Online meetings have their perks and their downsides. There’s no commute, nobody knows if you...

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1649 Hits

Is Julie Burchill right - should we shut up about the menopause at work?


In May of last year the BBC dedicated a week to menopause awareness. In response, journalist Julie Burchill wrote an article titled: ‘Could the BBC please shut up about the menopause’ in which she used the sentence: ‘A problem shared is a problem doubled’ whilst she bemoaned the BBC banging on about this ‘uninteresting condition’. Instead of getting side-tracked by the...

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4439 Hits

You might not like me if you read this and I’m OK with that.


Hi. I’m Kerry and I’m lovely. Really easy to get on with. Some have been so creatively descriptive as to say ‘Kerry is soooo nice’. Too nice, I’ve wondered? Can you be too nice? YES, if it means you’re a walkover. If you’ll happily lie down, roll over and wait to have your belly tickled whilst ignoring an injustice. People who...

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2945 Hits

The M word: Let’s talk menopause in the workplace

The M word: Let’s talk menopause in the workplace

Whoah, stop right there! Let me guess. You read the word ‘M’ word and thought this blog wasn’t for you. You’re not the right gender/ Not the right age? Let’s consider this for a moment. If you are not going to actually go through the menopause yourself, will your colleagues, Mum, wife, daughter, sister, friend? Won’t that affect you? And if...

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11398 Hits

Kerry Leigh's top tips on how to create a mentally healthy workplace culture

Kerry Leigh's top tips on how to create a mentally healthy workplace culture

Have you ever imagined you were in charge, you know, of everything? If I were Prime Minister, I would bring in a law against ugg boots, a total ban on Mondays, and ensure that everyone had access to decent mental health services AND that EVERYONE used them. So basically, we would be living in a mentally healthy dictatorship. All hail me!...

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6640 Hits

‘Blue Monday’ = ‘Moaning Monday’

‘Blue Monday’ = ‘Moaning Monday’

If you choose to get swept along with ‘Blue Monday’ theory  today -  the pseudoscience designed to persuade you that unhappiness is inevitable - you may as well go back to bed now, only making the effort to click online for the purchase that will surely fix you. The Blue Monday myth was originally used as a marketing ploy by a...

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5711 Hits

It’s OK to be Happy and Gay in School

It’s OK to be Happy and Gay in School
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I am a Laughologist who happens to be gay. So yes, I am doubly happy! Life is one long Mardi Gras for me full of music, gaiety and laughter. Actually it’s not that far from the truth, I suppose. I’m generally a happy person and I do wear sequins often, however if you sit in my reserved seat on the train,...

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5704 Hits

What makes a good day at work for you? - Try these 4 techniques to make your workplace happier

What makes a good day at work for you? - Try these 4 techniques to make your workplace happier

Is it when everything goes to plan? When nobody interrupts you? When you achieve what you set out to achieve that day? If these are your criteria then you may be setting yourself up for a fall. Anyone who’s ever been to a family wedding knows that an event rarely goes exactly to plan, and that a spanner will be thrown...

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12550 Hits

Can you remember how old you are? Take a few seconds...Has it come to you?.. Does it matter?

Can you remember how old you are? Take a few seconds...Has it come to you?.. Does it matter?

In this Laughology blog post, the timeless and forever youthful Kerry Leigh asks the child-like you, "are you excited by the thoughts of 'musical farts', 'cake' and 'dancing like a lunatic?'   I have to ask my kids how old I am. Somewhere after thirty age becomes less significant and we stop caring and paying attention to how many years we...

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5941 Hits

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