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Kerry is one of our most experienced and sought-after consultants and facilitators.She delivers sessions and programmes in the private and public sector and has a background in psychological studies

Kerry is one of our most experienced and sought-after consultants and facilitators.

She delivers sessions and programmes in the private and public sector and has a background in psychological studies.

- See more at: http://www.laughology.co.uk/kerry-leigh#sthash.UJ1oHMmK.dpuf

How to work with people who can’t be arsed


Are you feeling frustrated with demotivated people at work who appear sluggish or downright lazy? Ever fantasised about losing your sh*t with those who only shift from sloth mode to cheetah speed when it's time to go home? Instead, though, you silently seethe, occasionally leaking passive-aggressive comments when repeat offenders actually turn up on time: ‘Oh, remembered to set the alarm,...

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1213 Hits

Bored of hearing about mental health?


Me too. And I’ve been going mental for months now, just starting to come out the other side.  Why did I get ill? We. Don’t. Know. And I’ve been sending myself around the bend trying to work it out. Could it be a cumulative response to the perfect storm? Hormones – hello perimenopause - a main contender, having experienced the previous...

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951 Hits

Are you currently in a job you hate?


We spend a significant portion of our lives working, so it's essential to find something we love doing. But what if you're not sure what that is? Or what if you're currently in a job you hate?

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990 Hits

Does your organisation suffer with cultural thrush?


If only someone could have given Putin more cuddles when he was younger, taught him how to be human, and showed him how to have a bit of fun, he wouldn’t be exploiting the fear that he might press the nuclear button to mute people.  When people feel they can’t say anything for fear of reprisal, views are pushed underground to...

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885 Hits

You can’t do everything - why finding moments of joy can help your mental health


How many people do you know who are struggling with their mental health right now? Are you using all your fingers to count them? Us too. But in this post, Kerry Leigh shares how finding moments of joy and learning to stop trying to do everything can make all the difference. Moments of joy Does your brain feel like a snow...

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1013 Hits

You don’t have to be happy to work here but it helps - how to feel happier at work


Feeling happier at work starts before you even walk through the door, says Kerry Leigh. So what can you do in those early hours to help you start each day with a smile on your face and a more positive outlook? We’ve got some FLIPping good ideas to help you… 

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877 Hits

It’s not you, it’s me: Self-reflection for greater happiness and engagement


When thinking about improving happiness and engagement in your team, maybe it’s time to start with some self-reflection first? After all, it’s only by understanding and supporting ourselves better, that we can really support those around us. In this blog post, Kerry Leigh shares her top self-reflection tips with you and urges you to find time in your diary to try it. Self-reflection?...

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1408 Hits

How to keep your brain healthy as you get older: Crack open the lube of life


Keeping your brain healthy as you get older comes down to how you approach ageing. In this blog post, Kerry Leigh invites you to open the lube of life and plan in some playtime to keep those neurons firing.

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896 Hits

How to present with confidence and keep everyone engaged


Sweaty armpits? Shaky voice? Heart palpitations? Just some of the symptoms you probably feel when it’s time to present to your team. You want to be more confident, but you keep stumbling over your words and your mouth resembles the Sahara. Well, fear not! We’ve got your (sweaty) back and are here to help you with some tips to present with...

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1086 Hits

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