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Kerry is one of our most experienced and sought-after consultants and facilitators.She delivers sessions and programmes in the private and public sector and has a background in psychological studies

Kerry is one of our most experienced and sought-after consultants and facilitators.

She delivers sessions and programmes in the private and public sector and has a background in psychological studies.

- See more at: http://www.laughology.co.uk/kerry-leigh#sthash.UJ1oHMmK.dpuf

How to talk about mental health in the workplace – you don’t have to be an expert


Supporting colleagues with their mental health in the workplace can feel daunting. You don’t want to say or do the wrong thing. You don’t want to make anyone feel worse. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. It all starts with a conversation – and Kerry Leigh is here to help you find the right words. Talking about mental health ‘Do...

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2031 Hits

How can you protect your wellbeing when using social media?


Tired of the negative effects of social media on your life? Sick of seeing people vomiting their emotions onto the internet? In this opinion piece, Kerry Leigh explores how social media has impacted her life and how you can protect your wellbeing while scrolling. Unhealthy brain farts I’ve stopped notifications on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and am very rarely active on...

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1668 Hits

Keeping it real and creating connections during a pandemic


It’s easy to think that a global pandemic has made connections harder to make or maintain, that we’re further apart from people than ever before. But Kerry Leigh argues otherwise, and says that this pandemic has given us a chance to connect to people in ways we’d never have done before. Learning from a pandemic My friends and my kids take...

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1507 Hits

Understanding the Menopause: Knowledge is Power


NEWS FLASH! World Menopause Day on 18th October plans to harness all the power surges (a.k.a hot flushes) from menopausal women and channel the energy to smash the patriarchy! Okay, it isn’t, but it’s a good idea and I wanted to get your attention. Keep reading though, because whether you have a female reproductive system or not, the menopause ultimately affects...

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2344 Hits

Is Julie Burchill right - should we shut up about the menopause at work?


In May of last year the BBC dedicated a week to menopause awareness. In response, journalist Julie Burchill wrote an article titled: ‘Could the BBC please shut up about the menopause’ in which she used the sentence: ‘A problem shared is a problem doubled’ whilst she bemoaned the BBC banging on about this ‘uninteresting condition’. Instead of getting side-tracked by the...

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4439 Hits

You might not like me if you read this and I’m OK with that.


Hi. I’m Kerry and I’m lovely. Really easy to get on with. Some have been so creatively descriptive as to say ‘Kerry is soooo nice’. Too nice, I’ve wondered? Can you be too nice? YES, if it means you’re a walkover. If you’ll happily lie down, roll over and wait to have your belly tickled whilst ignoring an injustice. People who...

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2944 Hits

Customer Experience – WHY does it matter?


I have yet to receive a product I ordered online on August 29th. It’s late by anyone’s standards, particularly in the age of Amazon Prime, where you barely finish placing your order before there’s a courier at the door. Hopefully, by the time you get to read this blog the product will have arrived. I might treat it as a Christmas...

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3133 Hits

Truly human leadership skills - leading with empathy


What IS Empathy? Put simply, empathy is understanding how someone else is feeling by putting yourself in their shoes, or more commonly by imagining being in their shoes. Not their actual shoes, we’re dealing in metaphors here. Relax, you don’t need to put Martin’s brogues on. Stand-up comic Ryan Niemiller’s routine about how ‘people su-ck at empathy’ is a funny take...

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5946 Hits

Creative Facilitation


Creative Facilitation means thinking differently about how to actively engage people in a meeting, training workshop or during a presentation. The aim is for those attending to get the most out of it and for your hard work be worthwhile. The neuroscience Psychology tells us we are all motivated by our feelings. Every interaction causes automatic thoughts influenced by our beliefs,...

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3901 Hits

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