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You don’t have to be happy to work here but it helps - how to feel happier at work


Feeling happier at work starts before you even walk through the door, says Kerry Leigh. So what can you do in those early hours to help you start each day with a smile on your face and a more positive outlook? We’ve got some FLIPping good ideas to help you… 

How you spend your time just before starting work can impact on your happiness at work because, as well as your lunch, you often take your mood to work too. This not only affects the tone of your day, but also that of your workmates. 

Now, no one is suggesting you should be happy all of the time - that’s steering us too close to a phrase that bring us out in a nasty rash - toxic positivity. But it is important to notice how you feel as you start your working day, and how it can influence the rest of the day too.

Feeling happier at work starts before you sit at your desk

Breakfast is apparently the most important meal of the day; people have been banging on about it for years. But, as well as you what you put in your stomach, it’s worth thinking about what you put in your ears too. 

If you have the opportunity to choose what you hear before work, choose carefully. Think about what energises you. Below, I’ve compiled a list of top 5 tenuously-linked -to-work songs all with good energy (in my opinion) and, as it happens, all sung by women, which makes me happy too. 

Try blasting these out of your speakers - lycra and leg warmers optional: 

Mind your language - it can help you feel happier

Let’s be real though people. S**t happens, and sometimes just before you start work:

  • Your car will break down
  • Your partner will argue with you
  • Your Wifi will fail

How do you deal with this? Do you take it with you and tell yourself its going to be ‘one of those days’. Maybe asking yourself what the point of it all is and why this stuff always happens to you. Maybe even a FFS creeps in there. And no one would blame you, you’re only human.

But noticing when you use this kind of language reinforces your negative feelings - and it’s probably leaking onto those around you too. It’ss never good to leak on people...

We can’t just wave jazz hands and say everything is fine though because quite often it isn’t. But we can consciously choose how we respond to the challenges life throws at us which can ultimately be very empowering and help you feel better. So, instead, try acknowledging it’s not a great start BUT there are solutions and people who can help.

With a bit of realistic optimism, you can FLIP your language to say things like:

  • That’s annoying. What can I do about it?
  • Oh well, today’s not quite going as planned but I do have that meal to look forward to tonight.
  • B****cks! Er...OK I’m going to call someone who can help.

Then instead of trickling your toxicity, you can spread your good mood like butter on toast.

Benefitting everyone, but most importantly, you!

For more tips on feeling happier at work, why not grab a FREE ticket to our webinar - Happy Talk: How to be happier at work on Friday 23rd September? You’ll come away with practical tips and tools you can use right away. 

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