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How to present with confidence and keep everyone engaged


Sweaty armpits? Shaky voice? Heart palpitations? Just some of the symptoms you probably feel when it’s time to present to your team. You want to be more confident, but you keep stumbling over your words and your mouth resembles the Sahara. Well, fear not! We’ve got your (sweaty) back and are here to help you with some tips to present with confidence and keep everyone engaged. 

Present with confidence - the neuroscience bit

Presenting with confidence means thinking differently about how to actively engage people during your presentation. You want those attending to get the most out of it and for your hard work to be worthwhile.

Psychology tells us we’re all motivated by our feelings. Every interaction causes automatic thoughts influenced by our beliefs, values and memories. These make us feel a certain way, which influences the actions we take based on whether our feelings are good or not. 

We remember events and information best when our emotions are heightened. Think of your favourite teacher at school – what was their teaching style like? Does the word ‘fun’ come to mind? I fondly remember the day Mr Pickett arrived at my high school, plonking his briefcase on the table and announcing cheerfully: ‘Pickett’s the name, teaching’s the game - have chalk, will travel.’ 

And so began three years full of interactive adventure where we had so much fun, we forgot we were learning.

So how can you do this with your meeting or presentation?

Make your meetings fun, even when the subject matter isn’t

  • Humour gets people engaged and sparks creative thinking. Can you or an attendee share a funny story at the start - something that’s happened that week at work? Just spending a few minutes on this connects and relaxes everyone in the room, helping them to shake off their day so far and be present. Humour is a fun distraction that enables the brain to re-focus.
  • Have coloured markers and paper available for drawing or writing creative solutions together, or for simply taking notes. Incidentally having ‘old school’ pen and paper available is better for you, not just because it means less distraction from taking notes on a screen, but hand-writing notes activates more pathways in the brain. We process the information better and remember it for longer, as we actively summarise key points during the act of note-taking. Find out more about the science behind this here.
  • Have cake. We’re shamelessly exploiting Pavlov’s model of classic conditioning here. It’s simple; when people associate your meetings with delicious food, they’ll be more motivated to turn up and be on time, so they don’t miss out. And of course, sharing food in a group is a great way for people to connect and breaks down social barriers.

How to make your visuals enticing without being a design whizz

  • Use the same easy-to-read font throughout and use keywords and phrases ONLY, i.e. don’t create slides that you’re going to read out verbatim.
  • Use clear images to reinforce or complement your message. The old adage a ‘picture paints a thousand words’ still rings true. To create even more impact, consider images that are a little bit different. Use colour and humour or select ones that have an emotional connection to people in the room.
  • Ask for help - it’s okay! Preview your presentation to a colleague whose judgement you trust for feedback so you can make final tweaks.

Be yourself

When a facilitator or presenter tries to be someone other than who they are, or adopt a style that simply doesn’t suit them, we sniff it out quicker than a fart in a lift. And then we switch off.

Authenticity is key when presenting. It makes people relax and feel comfortable. As a result, they believe in you and your subject. This might mean wearing clothes that are more ‘you’ (yes, I know, company policy permitting), and talking in a more conversational style (as you would to friends). 

Storytelling is a wonderful, ancient human skill that brings us together and creates better understanding. Consider if you have any real-life stories that bring your message to life.

You can’t wing it

Yes, be ready to improvise and adapt to the unexpected, but it’s still essential to plan ahead. Remember! We’re all motivated by the way we feel. Putting in the time ahead of schedule will make you feel a lot more confident and comfortable presenting your information. You’ll also have the peace of mind that all the necessary resources are in place, and the relevant content is ready.

So it’s time to say goodbye to your pit stains and flushed cheeks, and go out there and present with confidence. 

If you want further support, why not come along to our Creative Facilitation workshop in December, where Kerry Leigh will give you all the support you need to enhance your presentation skills.


How to present with confidence and keep everyone e...
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