If you choose to get swept along with ‘Blue Monday’ theory today - the pseudoscience designed to persuade you that unhappiness is inevitable - you may as well go back to bed now, only making the effort to click online for the purchase that will surely fix you. The Blue Monday myth was originally used as a marketing ploy by a...
I am a Laughologist who happens to be gay. So yes, I am doubly happy! Life is one long Mardi Gras for me full of music, gaiety and laughter. Actually it’s not that far from the truth, I suppose. I’m generally a happy person and I do wear sequins often, however if you sit in my reserved seat on the train,...
Is it when everything goes to plan? When nobody interrupts you? When you achieve what you set out to achieve that day? If these are your criteria then you may be setting yourself up for a fall. Anyone who’s ever been to a family wedding knows that an event rarely goes exactly to plan, and that a spanner will be thrown...
In this Laughology blog post, the timeless and forever youthful Kerry Leigh asks the child-like you, "are you excited by the thoughts of 'musical farts', 'cake' and 'dancing like a lunatic?' I have to ask my kids how old I am. Somewhere after thirty age becomes less significant and we stop caring and paying attention to how many years we...
Young imaginations becoming stunted as a result of the increased access to technology. Imagine that?
Whilst delivering a Laughology session at a primary school recently the question arose: ‘Are young imaginations becoming stunted as a result of the increased access to technology?’ The consensus in the session was a resounding ‘yes’ from the nursery school teachers. They commented that they had some children coming to school who clearly had not been communicated with much at home....