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Truly human leadership skills - leading with empathy


What IS Empathy? Put simply, empathy is understanding how someone else is feeling by putting yourself in their shoes, or more commonly by imagining being in their shoes. Not their actual shoes, we’re dealing in metaphors here. Relax, you don’t need to put Martin’s brogues on. Stand-up comic Ryan Niemiller’s routine about how ‘people su-ck at empathy’ is a funny take...

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5948 Hits

How to handle stress at work? Have a chat!


What causes stress at work and how can coaching help? In early April the CIPD, along with Simplyhealth, released a new report which showed that work related stress in the UK is on the rise, resulting in increased absences. In fact, on 28th April, ‘World Day for Safety and Health at Work’ (who knew?!), statistics showed that absence due to ‘stress,...

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4716 Hits

How chatting can help to remove the stigma around mental health in the workplace


Mental health remains a taboo subject in many organisations. Be honest, do you find it easier to ask someone with a bad back or a mental health problem how they are and what you can do to help them? Every person and situation is different. For some people with poor mental health, the thought of a chat with their boss or...

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6306 Hits

Marathon Mindset - How to have better conversations at work


Another marathon done. In the afterglow competitors will be celebrating PBs, lamenting blisters the size of saucers and wondering why running 26 miles dressed as Big Ben seemed like a good idea in the first place. The spectacle leaves me contemplating the origin of this celebration of distance, endurance and sheer bloody will. For those of you who don’t know the...

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5235 Hits

Creative Facilitation


Creative Facilitation means thinking differently about how to actively engage people in a meeting, training workshop or during a presentation. The aim is for those attending to get the most out of it and for your hard work be worthwhile. The neuroscience Psychology tells us we are all motivated by our feelings. Every interaction causes automatic thoughts influenced by our beliefs,...

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3904 Hits

Supporting Your Child with SATS: A Parent’s Guide

Awards 2019 PNG

As a parent, it can be with a sense of disbelief that you realise the time has come for supporting your child with SATS. After all, it seems like seconds ago that you walked them to school for the very first time, dropping them off with a sense of trepidation. Would they cope without you? Would they cry? Would they remember...

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4058 Hits

How to lead when you’re managing


Why is effective management important, and what are good management skills? There are few other roles as complex as the ones in which people manage other people. Partly this is because there are so many external influences on managers, such as organisational brand, culture and the expectations from teams and superiors. Where to begin? Those searching for the secrets of good...

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5182 Hits

Want to know how to get your employees engaged? It requires commitment!


Most organisations aspire to engage their employees and yet despite great investment in this area they aren’t always guaranteed success. But why?There are countless blogs that tell you what ‘The costs of poor employee engagement’ are Higher staff turnoverLower productivity and efficiencyIncreased sick daysImpact on profits To mention just a few and plenty more on how best to engage them… Whilst...

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6049 Hits

How do we create fairer workplaces?


In 1968 a strike by 187 female workers at the Ford car factory in Dagenham was instrumental in the passing of the 1970 Equal Pay Act. The machinists walked out for three weeks in protest against their male colleagues earning 15 per cent more than them.A few years later the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 made it illegal to discriminate against women...

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4471 Hits

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