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Ten top tips to motivate your team into the new year

Ten top tips to motivate your team into the new year

It’s the new year and your teams are coming back with resolutions, new gym memberships, dry January boasts and the last few drops of the seasonal cheer.  It won’t be long before the reality of January sets in and the new-year-new-me mantras fade away. January can be a tricky time for people and motivating your team to get back in the...

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2823 Hits

Using customer journey maps to boost customer experience - part 2


In the second part of this customer experience blog - you can find the first part here - we will look at How to create a customer journey map, and what should be included on your customer journey map. How to create a customer journey map 1. Set clear objectives for the map. Before you can dive into creating your map,...

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3182 Hits

Using customer journey maps to boost customer experience - part 1

Laughology customer-journey-part-1-image

In this two-part blog, we will look at customer journey maps; how to create them, how they help organisations boost customer experience and how they change perceptions about customers. Get into the mind of your customer Understanding your customers’ perspectives and thought processes helps you appreciate the way they interact with your company and why. Having a clear grasp of the...

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2326 Hits

Customer Experience – WHY does it matter?


I have yet to receive a product I ordered online on August 29th. It’s late by anyone’s standards, particularly in the age of Amazon Prime, where you barely finish placing your order before there’s a courier at the door. Hopefully, by the time you get to read this blog the product will have arrived. I might treat it as a Christmas...

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2876 Hits

Understanding the language and behaviours of fixed and growth mindsets


Throughout the month we have been introducing you to new way of coaching that we call Big Chats, Little Chats. We started the series by explaining how we developed an innovative new coaching model for the 21st Century as a pilot programme for telecoms giant O2. The programme has been hugely successful, boosting retail sales by 23 percent where it’s been...

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4643 Hits

Brexit, how to explain it my kids?


…and what are the lessons they can take away?

Whilst out for lunch earlier this week my friend was telling me how worried her seven-year-old son was about Brexit. He has become very interested in the ‘process’ (or lack thereof) and requests regular updates from his mum.

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4866 Hits

Brexit learning and development toolkit: If life is like a box of chocolates, how can we engage our teams to ensure that post-Brexit business remains sweet?


Way back in 2017, the head of the National Audit Office said that the Government could 'come apart like a chocolate orange' over Brexit. As it turns out, this was something of a sugar-coated understatement. With Brexit less than a week away, we know that, unless businesses and organisations put far more effort and attention into engaging their teams, then we...

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2592 Hits

Brexit learning and development toolkit: The good news - leading with confidence in uncertain times is an opportunity


Change is a comin’, that much is certain. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of uncertainty about what that change will look like. But how about some good Brexit news? Firstly, change often brings benefits, and secondly, the more you prepare for change (no matter how uncertain the circumstances are), the less of a shock it will be. This should give you confidence...

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2710 Hits

Brexit learning and development toolkit: Supporting and engaging your teams

Brexit learning and development toolkit: Supporting and engaging your teams

Brexit. It sounds like a name for a new cereal, doesn’t it? But for 48.11% of the population, it isn’t that appetising. It could otherwise be known as Groundhog Day, given the carnival of repetitive arguments that have transpired since the UK voted to leave the EU. In the words of Albert Einstein: “The definition of insanity is doing the same...

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2111 Hits

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