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Growth mindset - 24 ways to improve your skills and achieve more

Growth mindset - 24 ways to improve your skills and achieve more
  1. Acknowledge and embrace imperfections. Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome them
  2. View challenges as opportunities. Having a growth mindset means relishing opportunities for self-improvement.
  3. Learn more about how to fail well.
  4. Try different learning tactics.
  5. There’s no one-size-fits-all model for learning. What works for one person may not work for you. Learn about learning strategies.
  6. Get to know more about brain plasticity.We know this improves a growth mind-set.
  7. Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning.”When you make a mistake or fall short of a goal, you haven’t failed; you’ve learned.
  8. Stop seeking approval.When you prioritise approval over learning, you sacrifice your own potential for growth.
  9. Value the process over the end result. Growth mind-set is about enjoying the learning process, even when it continues beyond an expected time frame.
  10. Cultivate a sense of purpose.Dweck’s research also showed that people who had a greater sense of purpose are more resilient when learning, so keep the big picture in mind.
  11. Emphasise growth over speed.Learning fast isn’t the same as learning well, and learning well sometimes requires allowing time for mistakes.
  12. Reward actions, not traits.Recognise in yourself and others when doing something smart, not just being smart.

  13. Redefine “genius.”The myth’s been busted: genius requires hard work, not talent alone.
  14. See feedback and even criticism as positive.You don’t have to used that clichéd term, “constructive criticism,” but you do have to believe in the concept.
  15. Disassociate improvement from failure.
Stop assuming that “room for improvement” translates into failure.
  16. Provide regular opportunities for reflection.
  17. Place effort before talent.
Hard work should always be rewarded before inherent skill. 

  18. Highlight the relationship between learning and “brain training.”The brain is like a muscle that needs to be worked out, just like the body. 
  19. Cultivate grit.People with that extra bit of determination will be more likely to seek approval from themselves rather than others.
  20. Use the word “yet.”
Dweck says “not yet” has become one of her favorite phrases. Whenever you are struggling with a task or others come to you because they’re struggling, just tell them they haven’t mastered it yet. 
  21. Learn from other people’s mistakes.It’s not always wise to compare yourself to others, but it is important to realise that humans share the same weaknesses. 

  22. Make new goals for every goal accomplished.You’ll never be done learning and developing. Just because you’ve reached a goal, it doesn’t mean you should stop being interested in a subject. Growth-minded people know how to constantly create new goals to keep themselves stimulated. 
  23. Take risks in the company of others.Stop trying to save face all the time and just let yourself goof up now and then. It will make it easier to take risks in the future. 
  24. Think realistically about time and effort.It takes time to learn. Don’t expect to master every topic under the sun in one sitting.You can find out more about how Growth Mindset works on our Growth Mindset for Organisations page
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