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Juliette is a long-standing and valuable member of the Laughology team and specialises in emotional intelligence, health & well-being.

Juliette Yardley's quick and simple steps for your own mental health MOT

Juliette Yardley's quick and simple steps for your own mental health MOT

How do you asses your own mental health? I mean, we can see if we have got a cold, have the flu, broken an arm etc. When something affects our physical health we know what to do and what we need. So how can we give ourselves a bit of a mental health MOT and why should we? We are getting...

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6288 Hits

Juliette Yardley has a wee on the side of a Welsh mountain - and on the top, and again on the way down!

Juliette Yardley has a wee on the side of a Welsh mountain - and on the top, and again on the way down!
Juliette Yardley

A close friend of mine suggested a while ago that we did something a bit different. “How do you fancy climbing Mount Snowden in the middle of the night to watch the sun rise from the summit on the summer solstice?” she asked. It seemed a good idea in the middle of winter when we booked it. Last weekend, me and...

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4661 Hits

Are SATS a dirty word?

Are SATS a dirty word?

At ten years old and in Year 6, my youngest of three is perched on the edge of childhood. Any parent with a child of the same age will recognise the time, where you start see the first indications of a transition. It is an inevitable rite of passage when a little girl or boy begins to leave a few of...

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5065 Hits

Why kindness can boost morale and team work?

Why kindness can boost morale and team work?

She waited patiently at the train station for her train to arrive, she had a meeting to get to in Manchester. As usual it was going to be four minutes late. Four minutes turned into six and then, without warning the train, simply did not arrive. The app on her phone told her it had been and gone, yet all the...

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6325 Hits

...giggling, sweating, smiling, singing, dancing - Juliette Yardley has never laughed so much!

...giggling, sweating, smiling, singing, dancing - Juliette Yardley has never laughed so much!

In this blog post, Juliette Yardley, Laughology consultant and, sometimes sweaty, trainer, explores how 6.30 am gym sessions with 15 other giggly, dancing ladies, can encourage a positive mind-set and offers some top tips when trying something new or getting others to do the same.   Whenever I told people I was in the gym 3 or 4 mornings a week...

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7303 Hits

Happy thinking & power posing - top-tips for reducing anxiety during presentations and job interviews

Happy thinking & power posing - top-tips for reducing anxiety during presentations and job interviews

In this Laughology blog post, Juliette Yardley explores 'power posing' and how positive emotions can help change difficult situations. I recently delivered training to a group of people who were stressed out. They were finding it hard to keep positive and to feel strong, motivated and resilient. It was a tough group and negative vibe in the room were very apparent....

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6670 Hits

Have I really got the best job in the world...?

...after being told by one of the delegates attending a recent Laughology FLIP event that "she loved the session and it was one of the best and most useful training days she had experienced", being a Laughology trainer really does feels like the best job in the world.

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5992 Hits

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