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Stephanie has developed Laughology into the nation's most talked about training and development provider and has gained an unsurpassed reputation for creating happy organisations. So it's not just a happy coincidence that these blog posts contain an occasional rant, a few pearls of wisdom and bucket loads of undeniable truths, so make yourself a cuppa and read on.

How to hack stress in the workplace


Is work leaving you stressed? Wondering how on earth you can lower the levels of overwhelm and release some of the strain? Here’s some advice from our Head of Happiness, Stephanie Davies, to help you hack stress in the workplace and start viewing it in a completely different way. The stress epidemic A recent trip to the dentist confirmed that months...

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735 Hits

I’ve lost my confidence - am I still relevant?


Back in the day, it took me a while to get to grips with the explosion of social media. I’d only just worked out Friends Reunited when suddenly I was faced with a deluge of new and confusing ways to stalk my exes. MySpace, Flickr, Tumblr, and Facebook. I was confused, and for many years invited contacts to connect with me...

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458 Hits

ChatGPT – will it take over, or will we still need humans? 


Who wasn’t worried by the news that Microsoft is so impressed with the latest artificial intelligence gizmo, ChatGPT, that it plans to invest billions in the technology in the coming years? What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a language AI that writes convincing emails, essays, blogs; you name it. Some experts have already said that it could become such a game-changer that...

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502 Hits

Let them eat cake! It improves workplace culture and happiness


Let them eat cake. Or maybe don’t? That’s the question The Food Standards chairperson posed when she likened cake culture to passive smoking. Now in the UK, we’ve had a bit of a history with cake-eating over the past couple of years, especially if there’s boozing and cake while you’re supposed to be keeping a low profile, eh, Boris…  Back in...

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822 Hits

Goodbye 2022 - lessons from a difficult year 


Arguably, significantly more people bid 2022 good riddance than lamented its end. As Big Ben struck midnight on December 31st, I’m sure it wasn’t just Liz Truss who was glad to see the back of a turbulent 12 months. For many reasons, 2022 is unlikely to be remembered as a wonder year. The cost of living crisis, strikes, conflict, there was...

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963 Hits

An office Christmas party survival kit - for introverts!


It’s here again! Christmas party time is in full swing with baubles on. Some will be eagerly anticipating the work’s Xmas jolly; others will pray for a bout of covid to get them out of it. Some will have already endured or enjoyed the office party, creating anatomical photocopies (you know who you are, Ian, from accounts). Behaviours which Laughology neither...

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740 Hits

Don’t like your boss, but love your job? What can you do about it?


It was never going to end well, was it? Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter has had more dramatic twists than a Mexican soap opera.  The disgruntled masses at the tech firm are not alone in being driven out by their boss. According to Gallup’s “State of the Global Workplace” study, 50% of people quit their jobs because they don’t like their managers. Conversely,...

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752 Hits

Menopause at work – why line managers are key to a supportive culture

menopause_LR_iStock-92734673 Menopause workshop

Menopause has always been around, but menopausal women are now the fastest-growing working demographic in the UK. This means that now, more than ever, it’s essential to understand how to support people going through menopause. So, we’ve put together this handy guide to help you.  

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705 Hits

Lessons in leadership from Queen Elizabeth II


Organisations and experts (including Laughology) study leaders in intricate detail to glean lessons from them that can be applied elsewhere. It is no surprise then that we turn to one of the longest-serving leaders in modern history, Queen Elizabeth II, to try and understand what made her reign so successful, and to see whether there are leadership lessons we can learn from her.

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825 Hits

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