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Stephanie has developed Laughology into the nation's most talked about training and development provider and has gained an unsurpassed reputation for creating happy organisations. So it's not just a happy coincidence that these blog posts contain an occasional rant, a few pearls of wisdom and bucket loads of undeniable truths, so make yourself a cuppa and read on.

Why feedback can be so hard to hear and what you can do about it


Getting feedback is something we all know is good for us but why can it be so hard to hear? In this blog post, Head of Happiness, Stephanie Davies, shares her thoughts, as well as some actionable tips you can try to make feedback a happier experience for all.

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675 Hits

Developing resilience and grit in the workplace


The words resilience and grit are used a lot, especially in times of challenge and stress. But are we thinking about them all wrong? In this post, Stephanie Davies shares the difference between the two and how you can develop your resilience skills to flourish in the workplace.

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1144 Hits

Does the thought of presenting to others give you the heebie-jeebies?

Science says Glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, impacts almost 75% of people. So you’re clearly not alone if the thought of talking to an audience requires a change of underwear. But what can you do about it? How can you feel more confident? Here are four practical tips to help you.

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708 Hits

6 stress-busting tips to get you through the summer holidays


If the thought of the summer holidays has you feeling tense rather than zen, these six stress-busting tips will help you feeler calmer and more in control. And the best bit? They’re scientifically proved to work.

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1182 Hits

5 simple ways to stay connected and happy at work


With the new ways of working since the pandemic, it’s vital for leaders and managers to help their teams stay connected and happy at work. But what does that actually look like? Stephanie Davies has her tips to help you keep connection at the heart of your workplace culture.  One of the paradoxes of the new way of working is that...

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606 Hits

Lessons from Top Gun in toxic masculine leadership 


Toxic masculine leadership is still evident, not only in workplaces but on the big screen. In this post, Stephanie Davies looks at how Top Gun can teach us a lot about changing the culture and bringing everyone together in positive, beneficial ways. Toxic masculine leadership - and a whiff of cheese This month Top Gun roared back to the screen in...

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1941 Hits

Managing workplace culture to support mental health


How inclusive is your workplace culture when supporting mental health? As the aftermath of the pandemic continues to affect the mental wellbeing of people in workplaces and organisations, it’s vital to consider what you could - and should - be doing to help. In this post, Laughologist, Laura Drury encourages you to look at mental health from a different perspective. She...

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709 Hits

Why inclusive leadership starts with you


Truly inclusive leadership starts with you. Only then can you expect it to trickle down into your organisation in an authentic and sustainable way. But what does it actually mean, to be an inclusive leader? And if you feel like you could be doing more, what does that even look like? Here’s Stephanie Davies with her tips to help you. My...

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827 Hits

Be more curious, open, and brave - change your mindset to become a life-long learner


If you’ve always been skeptical about people who call themselves ‘life-long learners’, we hear you. Maybe they’re too similar to people who wear kaftans made from hemp and walk around the supermarket in bare feet. But, dare we say it, we don’t agree with you. In our humble opinion, learning at work can do wonders for your mindset and also for...

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897 Hits

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