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Stephanie has developed Laughology into the nation's most talked about training and development provider and has gained an unsurpassed reputation for creating happy organisations. So it's not just a happy coincidence that these blog posts contain an occasional rant, a few pearls of wisdom and bucket loads of undeniable truths, so make yourself a cuppa and read on.

Going Hybrid – Tips for managers and teams working in a hybrid environment


Hybrid working is the future. We know hybrids are better for the environment, but how can you make a successful hybrid working environment for all? Here’s Stephanie Davies with her top tips to help your team. Hybrid models There’s been a lot of speculation about how the workplace will evolve once restrictions are lifted. Some organisations are asking people to come back...

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1633 Hits

How to support neurodivergent individuals in your workplace


How neurodiverse is your workplace? Are you aware of how to support neurodiversity within your team? In this post, Stephanie Davies, shares some helpful strategies to ensure you’re supporting the members of your team who need it. What is neurodiversity? Neurodiversity may sound like a troupe of brainy street dancers, but it’s actually the term that describes one of the most...

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3534 Hits

How to return to work safely - Back to Work Action Plan & Buzz Activity


Returning to work safely is of paramount importance to organisations and people alike. Leaders and managers must ensure that everyone feels safe, included and supported. But how can you ensure this happens? Stephanie Davies has some strategies to help you. Helping people feel safe and supported Everything has changed. Of that there is no doubt. And no matter what happens in...

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1504 Hits

6 simple steps to improve your brain health


After a year of lockdown, with all the routine, stress, boredom and reduced physical activity that it’s entailed, a lot of brains are showing signs of covid cognitive flab and are in need of a mental health workout.

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2931 Hits

Overworked, Overloaded and Overwhelmed – 7 ways to manage your workload


Remote working has created a new kind of workload burnout. With most of us attending several Zoom or Teams meetings a day, it can feel impossible to do any real work. People are starting their days earlier and finishing them later, just to complete a couple of hours of task-orientated work amidst the back-to-back meetings. We’re glued to our screens more than ever....

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3202 Hits

International Day of Happiness - the importance of staying connected in the workplace


March 20th is International Day of Happiness and so Stephanie Davies explores just how organisations can keep the happiness flowing by ensuring everyone stays connected.

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1234 Hits

Whatever happened to the work from home dream?


Remember pre-pandemic, when everyone wanted to work from home and forward-thinking workplaces offered flexitime because it helped with employee retention, motivation and wellbeing? In this post, Stephanie Davies, asks whether the work from home dream has now become a bit of a nightmare. Disappearance of work/life balance Unless you are a key worker, we are all now home workers. How’s that...

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1542 Hits

Is it time to reset the education system?


I’ve seen them all week, between 8am and 9am. Congregating in groups. Groping their way through conversations because many have forgotten how to converse with other adults. Slightly bewildered and unsure what to do with themselves. Drunk on freedom, like lifers unexpectedly acquitted.  For parents, this week has been a dizzying deliverance from the shackles of homeschooling. It has been the...

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1280 Hits

What is burnout and how can we combat it?


Burnout is back and, without intervention, it will become a mental health crisis for employers. What was once a badge of honour for eighties’ yuppies is currently on course to create an epidemic of workplace stress-related challenges.  Over the past months we have been increasingly hearing stories of people struggling to cope. It’s hardly surprising. In the year since Lockdown 1.0,...

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1720 Hits

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