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Stephanie has developed Laughology into the nation's most talked about training and development provider and has gained an unsurpassed reputation for creating happy organisations. So it's not just a happy coincidence that these blog posts contain an occasional rant, a few pearls of wisdom and bucket loads of undeniable truths, so make yourself a cuppa and read on.

The Swiftonomics Effect: What can leaders and businesses learn?


According to Forbes Magazine, ‘few personal brands shine as brightly as Taylor Swift’s’. And as someone with a special interest in personal brand, I’ve been determined to follow her example while she’s been in the UK. The pop singer has been Time Magazine's Person of the Year and CNN’s Businessperson of the Year, after all, and I was The Liverpool Echo’s New Comedian of...

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280 Hits

What Was the Problem? Would My Oestrogen Set Off the Fire Alarm?


Earlier this month, it was reported that, after years of worrying about oestrogen setting off their fire alarm, the Garrick Club, that bastion of entitled male privilege, has finally voted to allow women members. It has been hailed as a victory for equal opportunities. But is it?   Are we missing the bigger picture here? After all, the whole concept of...

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424 Hits

Pulling a sickie


Pulling a sickie is part of workplace culture. Who hasn’t psyched themself up for the 9am phone call to the boss and explained in your best deathbed croak that you won’t be in today because you’ve suddenly come down with a ‘nasty bug’, which miraculously clears up the following day? Currently, sick notes, or fit notes, to give them their official...

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408 Hits

"You don’t belong here; they’ll find you out!”


In today’s high-velocity corporate world, the silent spectre of imposter syndrome looms large, particularly over women who ascend the precarious rungs of the corporate ladder only to find themselves shadowed by self-doubt. This pervasive issue, where capable individuals teeter on the brink of feeling like frauds despite towering achievements, demands more than a cursory nod from leaders. It calls for a...

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529 Hits

Get H-app-Y – how AI could transform your wellbeing


A new idea from Laughology! Laughology has developed a new AI-powered app that uses facial recognition and data from your emails and texts to determine how happy you are and provide a personally curated joke to cheer you up if you’re sad. H-app-y links to other apps and utilities on your mobile phone and uses an algorithm to determine your mood....

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772 Hits

What’s she wearing? How relaxed can a dress code go?


Are leather-style trousers appropriate workwear? I ask because the other week I was at an event delivering a keynote and chatting to the client before I went on stage. I was wearing a pair of leather-style leggings. As I was chatting, the head of HR interrupted to ask a question and looked me up and down in that trying-not-to-be-obvious but blatantly...

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671 Hits

Want loyalty and to get people back in the office? Don’t be D!ck!


After years of working away from the office, many of us may prefer to continue working from home in our yoga pants with our dog or cat by our side. Hybrid working is now the norm, but there’s a strong desire among business decision-makers (BDMs) to get people back into the office. Data from the Microsoft Work Trend Index research shows...

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765 Hits

Should you tell your boss you're overwhelmed at work?


Getting up early to work on a paper before the dreaded Teams back-to-back calls start and working late once they finish is a common groan I hear. I do it myself. ‘If I could just find some time to do my actual work’ is something I often hear and empathise with. However, I work for myself, so my workload is something...

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554 Hits

How to avoid the ‘lazy girl’ workplace trend in 2024


2023 was not just another year in the corporate world; it was a theatrical production branding workplace behaviour. There was the overt "lazy girl” job trend - a cheeky nod to roles offering a ‘supposed’ better work-life balance, a stark contrast to the hustle culture of yesteryears. It's a trend that celebrates the notion of doing a job you love and...

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1091 Hits

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