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Stephanie has developed Laughology into the nation's most talked about training and development provider and has gained an unsurpassed reputation for creating happy organisations. So it's not just a happy coincidence that these blog posts contain an occasional rant, a few pearls of wisdom and bucket loads of undeniable truths, so make yourself a cuppa and read on.

Celebrate Learning at Work Week by exercising your brain with Laughology – here’s how


Here at Laughology, we’re feeling a bit giddy. No, we’ve not overdone the Curly Wurlys, we’re getting ready to celebrate Learning at Work Week - running from the 16th-22nd May.  Not only that, but it’s also Mental Health Awareness Week from the 9th-15th. So that’s two weeks where you can exercise your brain, feel good and maybe learn a thing or...

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1393 Hits

Virtual communication - are the days of calling people in your undercrackers really gone


Remember the good old days when people used phones to talk to each other? Or sat around a table, in the flesh? Now it’s the era of virtual communication and Stephanie Davies is pining for the time when she could sit around in her undercrackers and stick two fingers up at Ian from IT. Virtual communication - when did it get...

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644 Hits

3 myths about happiness - it’s time for us to burst your bubble


Smile. We’re living in the happiness renaissance after all, where happiness is being taken seriously and wellbeing is the trend de jour. In the years since Laughology whelped, happiness and wellbeing have gone from being fringe interests viewed with suspicion and sometimes derision, to the gold standard that individuals and organisations hanker after.  Everyone’s getting in on the act, from the...

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1432 Hits

Heroes - even presidents - are born on comedy club stages


The modern-day comedy club is what I imagine Roman gladiatorial games were like.  Brave combatants step out into the public arena and live or die depending on skill and how much they can endear themselves to the audience. They can be cruel, brutal places. Lessons learned in them are often painful, but never forgotten.  Every comedian remembers the first time they died...

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557 Hits

Why vulnerability makes you a great leader


Why vulnerability makes you a great leader Two months ago, my dad came to visit. It was the first time I’d seen him in a year and the first time I’d been able to hug him in 19 months. He’s 76 and lives in the Isle of Man. Which isn’t far geographically but might as well have been on the moon...

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1024 Hits

How to lead with humour - one size doesn’t fit all


Why are some leaders loved while others are loathed? What made Tony Blair popular and Gordon Brown a ballot-box turn off? Why did Boris succeed where May floundered? Policy, strategy, and ideas can take a person so far, but to be a successful leader, you need personality and the ability to connect with those you aspire to lead. One of the...

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980 Hits

How to create a mental health strategy for your workplace


Creating a mental health strategy for your workplace and looking after people, is an important step towards a supportive workplace culture, where people feel comfortable talking about their mental health and wellbeing. It also helps you feel confident to support them. Stephanie Davies has some tips to help you put your mental health strategy together.

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1067 Hits

How inclusion increases workplace happiness


Over the last ten years, there’s been a growing obsession with happiness. From Derren Brown to Fearne Cotton, everyone has suddenly become an expert (FYI - we’ve been researching and delivering science-backed happiness interventions long before the current wave of newbies – still the original, still the best). Of course, it’s understandable why there’s so much interest. Happiness is arguably the...

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1221 Hits

What Simone Biles can teach us about understanding mental health


When US gymnast Simone Biles withdrew from several events in the Tokyo Olympics to protect her mental health, there were predictable knee-jerk reactions from the usual suspects. Chief among them was professional agitator Piers Morgan, who couldn’t wait to stoke the anti-woke fire, accusing Simone of letting down her teammates and country because she wasn’t having fun. Many agreed with him....

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1319 Hits

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