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I like a guffaw or a titter, and I'm quite fond of an occasional cackle

I like a guffaw or a titter, and I'm quite fond of an occasional cackle

In fact, I love laughing probably more than most. I dedicated my life to the pursuit of giggling like a schoolboy at anything and everything. If too much time has passed in a meeting or during a dinner my brain will be working a hundred miles an hour to look for the possibility of a guffaw, titter, cackle, call it what...

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7004 Hits

Why kindness can boost morale and team work?

Why kindness can boost morale and team work?

She waited patiently at the train station for her train to arrive, she had a meeting to get to in Manchester. As usual it was going to be four minutes late. Four minutes turned into six and then, without warning the train, simply did not arrive. The app on her phone told her it had been and gone, yet all the...

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6326 Hits

Stop measuring output and start measuring happiness

Stop measuring output and start measuring happiness

If you believe the news as reported in some papers, the UK is in fine economic shape. Business is booming and the economy is doing better than expected following the decision to leave the EU. Just last week the IMF issued a report report in which it predicted the UK economy will grow by 2% this year, up from 1.6% in...

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7606 Hits

Sweetness and light and all things bright

Sweetness and light and all things bright

What do I need to bring me true happiness? Do I need a list of 45 joyous things to do, do I need cupcakes, chocolates and flowers? Or is it a case of what I have always known deep down (and I suspect you also do too); without the Smurfs in my life, I can never find true happiness. But, if...

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6228 Hits

The M word: Let’s talk menopause in the workplace

The M word: Let’s talk menopause in the workplace

Whoah, stop right there! Let me guess. You read the word ‘M’ word and thought this blog wasn’t for you. You’re not the right gender/ Not the right age? Let’s consider this for a moment. If you are not going to actually go through the menopause yourself, will your colleagues, Mum, wife, daughter, sister, friend? Won’t that affect you? And if...

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11399 Hits

How important is workplace happiness? Ask JD Sports

How important is workplace happiness? Ask JD Sports

In a Channel 4 report, working practices were revealed at a JD Sports distribution centre that would make a Victorian workhouse owner shudder. Workers at the retailer’s Rochdale warehouse can apparently be sacked after three minor misdemeanours. Offences include sitting down, chewing gum, being late or having a mobile phone. The report also claimed that employees are not paid while they...

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10076 Hits

Creating a happy school - how our Happiness Award winners got it right

Creating a happy school - how our Happiness Award winners got it right
Awards 2019 PNG

Last year the national happiness awards gave us at Laughology HQ the opportunity to see the innovative work forward-thinking schools are doing at the cutting edge of positive psychology. Here we share just some of that information with you: Childhood is changing. Children grow up in a world defined by fast-paced technological development and live lives increasingly online in spaces adults...

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10293 Hits

Growth mindset - 24 ways to improve your skills and achieve more

Growth mindset - 24 ways to improve your skills and achieve more

Acknowledge and embrace imperfections. Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome themView challenges as opportunities. Having a growth mindset means relishing opportunities for self-improvement.Learn more about how to fail well.Try different learning tactics.There’s no one-size-fits-all model for learning. What works for one person may not work for you. Learn about learning strategies.Get to know more about brain plasticity.We know this...

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9705 Hits

Blue Monday 'is a load of cock and bull'.

Blue Monday 'is a load of cock and bull'.

Blue Monday; a New Order song, a colour pallet from B&Q and the scientifically- proven most depressing day of the year. Only one of these things is true and in my opinion worth paying any attention to (it’s the New Order song btw). The third Monday in January is known as Blue Monday. Apparently, it is the most miserable day in...

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6971 Hits

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