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Nick handles press and PR for Laughology and is an award-winning journalist, author and consultant with over 20 years experience in the media.

Big chats, little chats - A 21st Century coaching model: Module 2 - The art of positive mindset and how to challenge ‘wonky thinking’


At the start of the month we explained how we developed an innovative new coaching model for the 21st Century called Big Chats, Little Chats. The programme has been piloted with O2 and has been hugely successful, boosting retail sales by 23 percent where it’s been used and increasing management engagement scores.

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3694 Hits

Big chats, little chats - A 21st Century coaching model: Module 1 - creating the right environment


Last week we published a case study explaining how we developed an innovative new coaching model for the 21st Century called Big Chats, Little Chats. The programme has been piloted with O2 and has been hugely successful, boosting retail sales by 23 percent where its been used and increasing management engagement scores. We explained how BC,LC consists of three modules, and this week we...

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4321 Hits

Protect your people from the stress epidemic

Protect your people from the stress epidemic

Another month, another study highlighting the epidemic of stress and anxiety sweeping through the teaching profession. Just this last month (Sept) research by the charity Education Support Partnership found that an overwhelming number of teachers in the UK have suffered either physically or mentally because of their jobs. The study suggested that 75% of teaching staff in schools and colleges experienced...

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4827 Hits

Is reward and recognition the key to loyalty and motivation?

Is reward and recognition the key to loyalty and motivation?

Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, once said: "Appreciate everything your associates do. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They're absolutely free and worth a fortune." Sam is right. Everyone likes praise and recognition, and all good leaders understand this. Academics have even studied the links between reward and productivity. In one study, The...

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6566 Hits

Should you be empowered to make business decisions on your own? The Oudehaske Dutch red light experiment may provide the answer.

Should you be empowered to make business decisions on your own? The Oudehaske Dutch red light experiment may provide the answer.

For the average tourist, the Dutch village of Oudehaske wouldn’t merit a second glance. It’s a flat, unremarkable corner of Holland without the type of canals or ‘coffee shops’ that attract visitors to nearby Amsterdam. If however you happen to be a traffic management engineer, Oudehaske is your Mecca. It is to town planning what Benidorm is to fishbowl cocktails and...

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5628 Hits

Should you use humour to improve your management and leadership skills?

Should you use humour to improve your management and leadership skills?

This World Book Day started off as the usual joyous orgy of viperous one-upmanship as proud parents jostling to outdo each other at the school gates with the costumes they’d made for their offspring. “Doesn’t Timothy look divine in his Marcel Proust outfit? He grew the moustache himself.”And then, somewhere in Manchester, one mother went and spoiled it for everyone. She...

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8713 Hits

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