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Creative Facilitation


Creative Facilitation means thinking differently about how to actively engage people in a meeting, training workshop or during a presentation. The aim is for those attending to get the most out of it and for your hard work be worthwhile. The neuroscience Psychology tells us we are all motivated by our feelings. Every interaction causes automatic thoughts influenced by our beliefs,...

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3638 Hits

Supporting Your Child with SATS: A Parent’s Guide

Awards 2019 PNG

As a parent, it can be with a sense of disbelief that you realise the time has come for supporting your child with SATS. After all, it seems like seconds ago that you walked them to school for the very first time, dropping them off with a sense of trepidation. Would they cope without you? Would they cry? Would they remember...

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3655 Hits

How to lead when you’re managing


Why is effective management important, and what are good management skills? There are few other roles as complex as the ones in which people manage other people. Partly this is because there are so many external influences on managers, such as organisational brand, culture and the expectations from teams and superiors. Where to begin? Those searching for the secrets of good...

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4967 Hits

Want to know how to get your employees engaged? It requires commitment!


Most organisations aspire to engage their employees and yet despite great investment in this area they aren’t always guaranteed success. But why?There are countless blogs that tell you what ‘The costs of poor employee engagement’ are Higher staff turnoverLower productivity and efficiencyIncreased sick daysImpact on profits To mention just a few and plenty more on how best to engage them… Whilst...

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5760 Hits

How do we create fairer workplaces?


In 1968 a strike by 187 female workers at the Ford car factory in Dagenham was instrumental in the passing of the 1970 Equal Pay Act. The machinists walked out for three weeks in protest against their male colleagues earning 15 per cent more than them.A few years later the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 made it illegal to discriminate against women...

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4220 Hits

What’s the point of unconscious bias training?


This month, we’ve been working with Chaucer Plc, a leading specialty insurance group, to help managers be more aware of unconscious bias. But can you really train people in unconscious bias awareness if it’s ‘unconscious’? To understand this, you must first understand what unconscious bias is. We all have it, it is a bias that happens automatically, is outside of our...

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4393 Hits

Sex is everywhere – unless you're a parent with your head wedged firmly in a bucket


There was controversy this week following the announcement that relationships and sex education (RSE) will be taught in schools from age four. Some critics say that is too early to talk about these topics with children and that it can introduce them to ideas before they are ready to understand them fully. But any intelligent person would understand that by talking...

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3722 Hits

Surviving SATS - 10 alternatives to drinking Gin!


If you meet a Year 6 teacher in January, the likelihood is that they are a shadow of their September selves. Gone are the dapper dress sense and the happy-go-lucky attitude. That feeling of easily ‘surviving SATS’ seemed a lifetime ago. Now, however, some are counting down the weeks, others the days, until that dreaded week in May. Headteachers have maniacal...

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3184 Hits

Can you improve your L&D training outcomes with a fiscal roll in the hay or should you be more loved up?


Love is in the air this week. And this has got us wondering  - can you improve your L&D training outcomes with a fiscal roll in the hay or should you be more loved up and committed - less a Tinder date and more Love Actually? With a few more weeks to go until the new financial year, how will you...

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3106 Hits


September INSET days for schools - LIMITED AVAILABILITY LEFT

We’ll lead again - why it’s time to start leading your school again

7 ways to be a brilliant school leader - not for Ofsted, but for you!

September INSET days for schools - book yours now!

Schools, happiness and laughter - using FLIP-it Thinking

Building Relationships at Surrey Heads Online Conference

Building and maintaining positive relationships with your teaching colleagues - it’s worth it!

How to be braver as a woman thinking about headship

Resilience in schools with Laughology FLIP-it Thinking sessions 

It’s time to welcome our new children’s facilitators

Confrontations in the classroom - can a good giggle be the answer?

Self-reflection for school leaders - make your school a happier place to be

Emotional wellbeing in schools

Menopause awareness in schools

The Happiness Fund - £2500 funding available for projects in your community

Mental wellbeing for teachers - are Geoff and Margaret the new heroes of the teaching profession?

How to feel happier at the start of a new term - we’re going all Adele on you!

Bringing Out the Best in Every Child with Swiss International School

Ofsted inspections: When will they get it right?

Resilience skills at Burpham Primary School

Brands and organisations we work with:

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