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Brexit learning and development toolkit: The good news - leading with confidence in uncertain times is an opportunity


Change is a comin’, that much is certain. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of uncertainty about what that change will look like. But how about some good Brexit news? Firstly, change often brings benefits, and secondly, the more you prepare for change (no matter how uncertain the circumstances are), the less of a shock it will be. This should give you confidence as a leader.

To get in the best Brexit shape:

  • know change is coming
  • be alert and prepared
  • talk about it

Get these factors in place and you can be confident that your teams will be ready to move, adapt, flex and grow their strengths as the details of your post-Brexit landscape become clearer.

We’ve all had periods in our lives where we coast slowly along in a calm, comfortable and relaxed state, firmly planted in our comfort zones. In these times we feel secure in the belief that we know how to deal with the familiar tasks that come our way. Looking back on those periods in our life we can all, without a doubt, say that those dream-like times ended with an abrupt and unexpected change of events. The hard thing was having to adapt without warning.

Fast forward to today and we know that economic change is just around the corner. Understandably, people’s hackles are up, their senses alert and their instincts heightened. That state of preparedness is not entirely a bad thing. As a leader you can constructively use these natural human reactions to change to help teams move forward, become more flexible, develop resilience and plan for future success.

Three ways of leading and driving these responses are:

  1. Communicate regularly. Set up team meetings, group chats, discussions and one-to-ones between different members of the team. Lead the way in reaching out and sharing expertise with other areas of the business, local communities and like-minded organisations. Keep talking to each other and get concerns, challenges and ideas out in the open.

  2. Encourage individuals in your team to challenge and develop their current ways of working and explore new ideas that get them moving out of their comfort zone and stretch their abilities. Our FLIP and ABC tools and techniques are a great way to drive these conversations.

  3. Lead by example by demonstrating a growth mindset. As a leader, your behaviour will not only be observed, but emulated by your team and those around you. Think about the way you are communicating messages and updates. Rather than saying ‘we’re going to have to face some tough times ahead’, try ‘we have a unique opportunity to pull together and exercise our strengths and ideas with what’s ahead’.

Go with the change, embrace it and be confident of the opportunity it brings for you as a leader of an effective team.

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