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Sarah started her professional life as an officer in Greater Manchester Police Force. It was here that she was first rewarded for her love and passion for making a difference. Sarah received a Chief Constable’s Commendation from the late Michael Todd for her dedication, determination and commitment. And she got a financial bonus to boot (which was unheard of).

Since then she’s had a varied career working within health and wellness, retail and financial services, leading and managing numerous training initiatives.

Sarah has extensive experience of designing and delivering management and talent programmes that are challenging and fun.

She is passionate about people and believes everybody has great potential within them.

Outside of work, Sarah loves a challenge and has completed The Three Peaks, The Great North Run and The Dirty Weekend (the largest assault course in Europe, not a swinger’s getaway in Scarborough).

What are your leadership superpowers?


Being a great leader means knowing, and using, your leadership superpowers. But what are yours? And why do you even need to know? Well, while you go and dig out the lycra, Sarah Brown is here to shine her bat signal and help you identify your leadership superpowers and understand the benefits.  Leadership superpowers  Somebody recently asked me what my leadership...

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1218 Hits

Hands up if you have set a New Year’s resolution and have already thrown in the towel?


You’re not alone. Research shows 80% of us break our resolutions by the first week of February and only 8% of us are successful.  So how good are new year’s resolutions for our mental wellbeing? Sarah Brown is here to challenge your choice of resolution and give you some tips to create more meaningful ones. Where do new year’s resolutions come from? Apparently, the first new...

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863 Hits

Supporting the women in your life through menopause


Menopause happens to every woman. Some may sail through it, others can find it debilitating. Just as every woman is unique, so is their experience of menopause. In this blog post, Sarah Brown shares her top tips to help you support the women in your life through menopause. Think it’s not going to affect you? Recently, I was alarmed by my...

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1191 Hits

Creating a happy culture in the workplace - it starts with knowing your people


Does your workplace have a happy culture? Do people talk about it in a positive way? According to Frances Frei and Anne Morris at Harvard Business Review, ‘Culture guides discretionary behaviour.’ So it’s important to get it right, then. The question is, how? In this blog post, Sarah Brown looks at why a happy culture is important and what you can...

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2144 Hits

Accent bias: How can you drop the judgements and be more inclusive?


We all know that we Brits speak differently depending on where we’re from. But just how differently? And does/should it matter? In this post, Sarah Brown tackles accent bias, inviting you to avoid snap judgements and preconceptions, and be more inclusive in the workplace. Accent bias in the spotlight Recently, ex-House of Lords member, Digby Jones, criticised BBC presenter Alex Scott’s...

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3266 Hits

Soft skills or Jurgen Klopp skills?


Teaching soft skills. It’s what I do. It’s what I love. I once ran a talent programme within a large organisation and decided to take a chance on someone that had been dismissed by others. They rubbed people up the wrong way, had poor time management skills and couldn’t organise a kid’s tea party! A challenge to be had. The programme...

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3093 Hits

Brexit learning and development toolkit: Supporting and engaging your teams

Brexit learning and development toolkit: Supporting and engaging your teams

Brexit. It sounds like a name for a new cereal, doesn’t it? But for 48.11% of the population, it isn’t that appetising. It could otherwise be known as Groundhog Day, given the carnival of repetitive arguments that have transpired since the UK voted to leave the EU. In the words of Albert Einstein: “The definition of insanity is doing the same...

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2363 Hits

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