Unconscious bias training with Unlimit Health

Unlimit Health aren’t new to Laughology. In fact, they were visited by the fabulous Victoria Maitland earlier this year and enjoyed the session so much that they wanted more! The next one, with Laura Drury, focused on unconscious bias.
An organisation whose mission is to bring an end to parasitic disease, they ‘work closely with affected countries, sharing evidence and expertise to eliminate preventable infections’. They invited us back to explore unconscious bias as part of a greater focus on communication and how they can do so as effectively as possible.
Awareness of bias makes it easy to challenge and change, but sometimes, our unhelpful thinking patterns or beliefs can slip under the radar and appear without realisation. Unconscious bias is exactly that—something we’re not aware of.
How can we manage it then?
- By understanding how our brains work and recognising the unhelpful behaviours that can lead to us becoming less conscious of the things we’re thinking and saying.
- By building self-awareness and identifying what influences the way we think and feel.
- By creating a safe environment where someone can speak up should they notice bias and challenge their own assumptions.
The group from Unlimit Health reflected on these areas with Laura and had some great conversations about maintaining a psychologically safe environment.
Of course, there were the usual fun activities, which generated much laughter—another great way to create connections in a group and build trust. Humour, when used carefully, is an effective way of challenging our thinking and helping us view things from a completely new and different perspective—the perfect antidote to bias.
If you’d like to find out more about this session, or any of our others, why not contact Doug –doug@laughology.co.uk