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11 June 2015

St Matthews Happy Centred School WINS best film and best idea in film festival

When Mr Green, a teacher from St Matthews primary school and four year Five pupils from Laughology’s pioneering Happy-Centred School, St Matthews Primary, heard about the film competition A sense of change they began developing ideas.

The film (which can be viewed here) was written and produced by the children along with Mr Green and they wanted to get across their positive attitude toward change. The film ‘How Much Change?’ was nominated in five categories for best sound, look, story, idea and film.

The children and their families attended the awards ceremony at the BFI Southbank in London on 29th May 2015 and WON both BEST FILM and BEST IDEA.

We are brilliantly proud of the children, Mr Green and St Matthews and all their achievements. We are looking forward to working with St Matthews more on developing a Happy-Centred school and looking at how we can spread their passion and brilliance further in the community.

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