Laughology film coming soon
Here at Laughology Towers, we’re always looking for new ways to get our message out there. We know there are more people we could make happy, as well as deliver more laughter and learning, so spreading the word is an important part of our mission.
But as Laughologists and guardians of all things fun, we always like to think about how we can do things differently and have a laugh along the way. With backgrounds in acting and stand-up, we’re always keen to use these skills, so over the summer, we put ourselves to work to make the first-ever Laughology Film with the brilliant Paradigm Creative team.
The film will help bring to life what we do. It’s only taken us twenty years to work it out, in order to tell others. But you’ll have to wait a while yet, as we’re busy editing and making it even more sparkly.
But if you really can’t wait, you can watch a bit of the making here. What you won’t see, however, is:
- Stephanie Davies Head of Happiness and CEO splitting her pants with a cracking loud rip (too many Curly Wurlys perhaps?)
- Kerry Leigh’s immense acting on roller skates but with the odd stumble off camera
- Dave Keeling’s hour in makeup - it takes a while to look like that you know
We’ll let you know when it’s ready - you’ll see the screening on a social media page near you.