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23 March 2023

Insights Discovery Profiling and Laughology

Any learning journey starts with self-awareness, which can lead to real breakthroughs in building relationships, teams, and your business.  That’s why we’ve partnered with Insights Discovery Profiling to bring you a Laughology Team Building workshop, where you can add profiling for your team.  

Insights Discovery profiling is a tool used to help individuals understand their unique personality preferences, communication style, and work preferences. It helps individuals and teams better understand their own behaviour and the behaviour of others, leading to improved communication, collaboration, and overall team effectiveness.

Delivered in the fun Laughology way, using a light-hearted approach, individuals can feel more comfortable exploring and discussing their own personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses. This will lead to greater self-awareness, empathy, and a better understanding of how to work effectively with others. 

 By taking this playful approach to Insights Discovery profiling, your teams will benefit both from the learning in and outside of the workplace.

To find out more, get in touch with doug@laughology.co.uk

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