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25 June 2021

Godolphin & Latymer School for Girls learn stand -up comedy skills

To make sure young people have the best chance when they take their next steps into the world, it’s important to equip them with the skills and confidence that go beyond just knowledge.

Godolphin & Latymer School for Girls recognise this and dedicate a whole week towards the end of their school year called ‘Challenge It’. The week is filled with all kinds of activities to help their young people think differently and challenge themselves out of their comfort zones. Helping them develop confidence and skills such as creativity, problem solving, communication and language.

Working with Dave Keeling, Laughology’s Lead Happiness Consultant, and Stephanie Davies, Head of Happiness, to teach stand-up comedy was, therefore, the perfect fit. With Stephanie and Dave’s experience as stand-up comedians, as well as their understanding of learning and psychology, they put together workshops that explored communication, writing, presenting and creative thinking through stand-up.

The workshops were delivered over four days across years 10, 11, Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth. The older year groups linked their learning to create mini TED ED talks and had an additional workshop to present a two-minute topic that explored a different type of thinking and showed their new presentation skills.

Being ‘career-ready’ has been an increasing challenge for young people, with workplaces stating that many turn up unprepared for modern work that requires you to think, communicate effectively and create solutions on the spot.

Laughology works with many organisations, including Vodafone, O2 and local governments, supporting interns and graduates to develop these skills. Having these types of workshops in schools is becoming more common and this year, Laughology has delivered more than ever. 

If you’re interested in running stand-up comedy workshops in your school, get in touch with vicky@laughology.co.uk.

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