Combatting overwhelm and stress with Tick42

During October, Jim won the work lottery and was sent to Sofia to visit Tick42 AED as Laughology’s official international man of mirth.
The Tick42 AED IT services teams were to be brought together for a rare chance to see each other F2F - many of them had never actually met in person!
Jim’s mission (since he chose to accept it) was simple: deliver an interactive keynote speech that would give them some simple and fun tools to help rediscover their oomph. This was much needed due to the pressures of work and the realities of an increasingly remote work environment.
And afterwards, why not stick around to have lunch and referee a tug-of-war competition? All in a day’s work for our Jim.
When he wasn’t on refereeing duty, he focused on helping the team combat overwhelm and stress by slowing down their thinking and engaging their rational brain, even when under extreme pressure to deliver NOW! We looked at how we already do this in life and how else we might be able to take a step back when things are tough.
You won’t be surprised to read that taking a moment to have a laugh and/or do things we enjoy (there’s some overlap there, usually!) came out high on the list. What may be surprising (or perhaps not?) is how rarely we give ourselves these vital moments of respite.
Ultimately, we concluded that self-care is good for us - and good for business.
Jim reported that, following the talk, some great chats were had over burgers, and we truly hope these have continued in the weeks since.
If you want more oomph within your team, why not ask them what they do on the weekend to restore their energy? Even thinking about these things provides an immediate boost - and starts the ball rolling.
And if you’d like Jim - or any other Laughologist - to help your team, get in touch -