This primary school workshop uses the FLIP model to show primary school children, in yr6, how they can boost their confidence and self-belief and feel ready to try their best for their yr6 SATs.
Our body and mind does funny things when we are under pressure, nervous, scared or anxious.It goes into what we call protection mode. It does this to stop us getting hurt, but sometimes by mistake it can stop us doing things we would really like to have a go at and are capable of.
This workshop looks at how children can use their brains and bodies to be calm, brave and cope when things seem tough.
We all really enjoyed the sessions and the ‘Power Pose’ has helped our Year 5/6 indoor athletics team get into the Kingston final next week!
Our Year 6 children who were anxious about their end of year tests and performing their leavers' assembly learnt to 'FLIP' these situations and make them into more positive, less threatening experiences. Their increased confidence and can-do attitude was clear to see, their SATs results pleasing and their end of year show was absolutely fantastic!
Some of the parents have stated that their children loved the sessions and were talking about it ‘non-stop’. The teachers were very enthusiastic about the workshops. Some have mentioned an instant change in their class behaved and that the got a lot out of it. We hope to reinforce the FLIP throughout the school with posters, classroom displays and follow up work.
JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.