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International Day of Happiness - the importance of staying connected in the workplace


March 20th is International Day of Happiness and so Stephanie Davies explores just how organisations can keep the happiness flowing by ensuring everyone stays connected.

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1438 Hits

Is it time to reset the education system?


I’ve seen them all week, between 8am and 9am. Congregating in groups. Groping their way through conversations because many have forgotten how to converse with other adults. Slightly bewildered and unsure what to do with themselves. Drunk on freedom, like lifers unexpectedly acquitted.  For parents, this week has been a dizzying deliverance from the shackles of homeschooling. It has been the...

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1529 Hits

How cheeky daytime naps can do wonders for wellbeing


Ever wondered whether there are any real benefits to daytime naps? Hoping that your urge to take a quick forty winks is a legitimate way to boost your wellbeing? Well, Laughologist, Sarah Helm, is here with some good news about the benefits of a midday snooze.  Temptations of daytime naps It’s okay, we’ve all been there. In the midst of another...

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2461 Hits

What is burnout and how can we combat it?


Burnout is back and, without intervention, it will become a mental health crisis for employers. What was once a badge of honour for eighties’ yuppies is currently on course to create an epidemic of workplace stress-related challenges.  Over the past months we have been increasingly hearing stories of people struggling to cope. It’s hardly surprising. In the year since Lockdown 1.0,...

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1948 Hits

Nicholas Hewlett coming out to his pupils and discussing his sexuality was a brave and inspiring thing to do


Last Monday (Feb 1st), Nicholas Hewlett, headmaster at St Dunstan’s College in London, made headlines by coming out to his pupils and discussing his sexuality in a virtual school assembly. He wanted ‘to stand up and be frank’ about his sexuality. In this Laughology opinion piece Stephanie Davies asks if 'sometimes it can appear that we haven’t come too far in...

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1631 Hits

“It’s not just Daddy, I work too!” - COVID, gender and work life balance


What impact has Covid had on gender equality? How much progress had we really made before the pandemic? In this post, Laura Drury observes the impact of Covid on the work-life balance of mothers in particular. Maternity leave  I was surprised to read in the news last week (Thursday 4th February) that the government is to update a long held maternity...

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1637 Hits

Growth mindset - 24 ways to improve your skills and achieve more

Growth mindset - 24 ways to improve your skills and achieve more

Acknowledge and embrace imperfections. Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome themView challenges as opportunities. Having a growth mindset means relishing opportunities for self-improvement.Learn more about how to fail well.Try different learning tactics.There’s no one-size-fits-all model for learning. What works for one person may not work for you. Learn about learning strategies.Get to know more about brain plasticity.We know this...

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9737 Hits

Ways to stay motivated 


“As we approach the anniversary of the first lockdown, the novelty of working from home has well and truly rubbed off for most. Many people are pulling their hair out, particularly those faced with the double whammy of working from home and home-schooling. It is a challenge to stay sane, but there are ways to create a happy, healthy and productive...

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1742 Hits

Is 78 too old to lead?


With a new US president now in situ, Head of Happiness, Stephanie Davies, asks whether age should define anyone’s leadership ability. Is age just a number? At 77, my dad is still a business titan, striding across his territory, selling Everest home improvement products, breaking targets and leading a team of double-glazing disciples. His weekly rousing team-building emails are legendary, peppered...

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2629 Hits

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