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Stuck in a rut: How to stay positive through lockdown   


Stuck in a rut? Tired of lockdown life? Well, in this post, Laughologist, Laura Drury, follows Kerry’s lead with more top tips to train the brain and become more positive in 2021. The return of lockdown Yes, like Arnie in Terminator 2, we’re back! As memes of ‘Goodbye 2020’ and ‘Bring on 2021’ were shared on social media, we gave ourselves...

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2053 Hits

Christmas bubble policies: how to get on with friends and colleagues


A collaborative blog by Ian Gilbert of Independent Thinking and Laughology’s Founder Stephanie Davies.  This blog was written in a safe, socially distanced way and is ready to help you get on with those in your Christmas bubble. Christmas bubble policies They say you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. And generally, that’s true. Except this year,...

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3185 Hits

Is unconscious bias training the answer?


Unconscious bias is one of the ways we make sense of the world. We subconsciously categorise people instantly, before we even know them. And this can be very harmful, as it tends to breed conformity and a lack of diversity. We make unconscious assumptions about people based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic background and mental health amongst other things.

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3552 Hits

How to be Happy During a Covid Christmas


Are Covid restrictions getting you down? Do you feel like you’re struggling to get in the festive spirit? In this blog post, Laura Drury, shares five useful tips to get you feeling happy this Christmas.

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2231 Hits

The Online Meeting Survival Guide


Feel like you’ve been in lockdown forever? Tired of the relentless online meetings? We don’t blame you. So to help you, Kerry Leigh has put together her survival guide, keeping you connected, motivated and fully aware that no one needs to see your knickers. Online Meetings Online meetings have their perks and their downsides. There’s no commute, nobody knows if you...

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1663 Hits

Wingey Winston & Donald Trump - your fixed-mindset game is up!


Years before Carol Dweck became a professor at Stanford University and first uttered the words ‘growth mindset’, I went to school with a boy called George. He was in my class from year four all the way up to sixth form. His nickname was Wingey Winston, so called because he would cry at the slightest thing and because his last name...

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2208 Hits

Understanding the Menopause: Knowledge is Power


NEWS FLASH! World Menopause Day on 18th October plans to harness all the power surges (a.k.a hot flushes) from menopausal women and channel the energy to smash the patriarchy! Okay, it isn’t, but it’s a good idea and I wanted to get your attention. Keep reading though, because whether you have a female reproductive system or not, the menopause ultimately affects...

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2365 Hits

10 Books for Teaching Coping Skills


As a teacher, there’s nothing better than getting your class together at the end of a day for a good story. But what if we could use that time to not only give them a chance to experience brilliant fiction, but also to help them learn about different coping skills? Great authors are able to weave themes through their books that...

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2268 Hits

Is Julie Burchill right - should we shut up about the menopause at work?


In May of last year the BBC dedicated a week to menopause awareness. In response, journalist Julie Burchill wrote an article titled: ‘Could the BBC please shut up about the menopause’ in which she used the sentence: ‘A problem shared is a problem doubled’ whilst she bemoaned the BBC banging on about this ‘uninteresting condition’. Instead of getting side-tracked by the...

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4465 Hits

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