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29 July 2021

What are you doing for International Week of Happiness at Work? September 20th – 24th

If you want one, there’s an ‘international day’ for almost everything. Most are made up too, but there’s a few Laughology favourites: Polar Bear Plunge Day, International Buffet Day (who wouldn’t like a buffet everyday?) and International Week of Happiness at Work. A whole week!

Some of these international day bandwagons are worth jumping on. International Week of Happiness at Work is a Dutch initiative by two amazing ladies, Maartje Wolff and Fennande van der Meulen. It was set up to encourage workplaces to actively think about what they can do to support people’s happiness.

Laughology is joining the campaign by putting on initiatives all week. We’ll be:

There’ll even be a few giveaways announced, so stay tuned.

But if that’s not enough for you, why not book one of the Laughology team for a live or virtual laughter at lunchtime learning event for your team?  

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