An empowering third visit to Nailsworth Primary School

This has been my third visit to Nailsworth Primary School in Stroud. The first being an inset day teaching the staff about the FLIP model & what we are all about. The second was me delivering FLIP to some of the different year groups & other teachers observing.
Nailsworth students empowering themselves with a bit of power posing. Try it yourself - it's scientifically proven to make you feel more confident!
After this visit teachers delivered FLIP to the classes that hadn’t had the experience so far.
The school were looking for a behavioural tool to use with all ages, from yr 1 to yr 6 as a way to enable children (and staff!!) to be better a resolving problems, to manage their emotions & to support their friends & empower themselves!
This third visit was super empowering for the children. In advance, each child had the opportunity to confidentially write down a problem & put it into a hat. The idea being that on the day on my workshop children would pull a problem out of the hat & use FLIP to help come up with solutions! Small group were formed & they busied themselves drawing a spidergram of idea that used all the elements of FLIP. Then they had a whale of a time role playing out the problem & then the solution!
Pupils write down some problems and then come up with the solutions - judging by the happy faces it looks like FLIPIt is already working.
What a fantastic experience for them to learn how they could possibly solve lots of day to day problems either by themselves, or through the support of each other & the teachers! It showed everyone that FLIP is a really flexible tool, easy to use & WORKS!!!!