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Laughology mental health at work training will empower business owners, managers and HR and occupational health departments, to improve mental health, happiness and wellbeing in the workplace.

Why it's important to promote wellbeing in the workplace?

There is still a huge stigma around mental illness and we need to banish it. We can only do this by raising awareness, normalising conversations and offering practical support to all employees.

Absenteeism, demotivation and low productivity

Absenteeism, demotivation and low productivity are all issues that arise when wellbeing is ignored and people are treated like cogs in a machine, rather than human beings. Negativity can infect organisations like a virus. And most of the time that’s because leaders have not paid enough attention to wellbeing.

Wellbeing impacts directly on your bottom line

Organisations have a duty of care to make sure their people are supported to be well and happy. Ignore this at your peril. Wellbeing deficient organisations struggle to retain good people, they lose time and resources through sickness and they become problematic and uncompetitive. Wellbeing impacts directly on bottom line. Research proves that higher levels of wellbeing result in contented, productive, creative workers who take fewer sick days, earn more and are valued highly.


Getting men talking

We also offer a workshop/programme to support men's mental health in the workplace. This programme creates a safe space for open conversations, helps break down stigmas, and equips your team with practical tools to get men talking!

By acknowledging the unique challenges they face, you can create an inclusive environment where men feel safe and understood. To learn more about how this could benefit your team, book a chat with us today.

Workshop Outline

The workshop will explore techniques to normalise conversations and listen and communicate non-judgementally. And will introduce positive interventions on sign-posting people to the right help and how to develop a resilience toolkit.


Morning Session

Introductions and gentle ice breaker.

Expectations: In small groups discuss and share expectations from the day, then with the whole group. Trainer to address and manage expectations.

What is Mental Health? Free flow exercise untapping what we automatically think of when we hear OR read the words: ‘Mental Health’. Trainer to facilitate discussion re preconceptions, misconceptions and stigma.
Introduce the ‘mental health continuum’.

Common Mental Health Issues: Learn the signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions, debunking myths along the way and including video testaments of lived experience and examples of positive portrayals.

How to apply Mental Health First Aid: Introducing the MHFA acronym ALGEE:
  • Approach
  • Listen and communicate non-judgementally
  • Give support and information
  • Encourage the person to get help
  • Encourage other supports

Afternoon Session

Owning it – what is YOUR role in the workplace – how can YOU help? Trainer to facilitate discussion and capture outcomes re taking responsibility as individuals and as an organisation.

Introducing FLIP it Thinking for Resilience

Trainer takes the group through each part of the FLIP it process using upbeat interactive exercises to illustrate how effective and immediate FLIP it thinking can be – our proven accessible Laughology toolkit that uses psychology and humour to help people cope in the moment and develop resilience.


Review the day’s learning and make commitment to practice using the STOP / START / CONTINUE method.


Learning Outcomes include:
  • How to create a culture that supports people to talk and be open about their mental health and promote wellbeing
  • Having a greater awareness of how to spot mental health issues early on
  • Understanding positive interventions for sign-posting and helping people to get the help they need
  • Generate ideas for integrating mental health wellbeing into your workplace
  • To understand what preventions can be put in place to create a well working environment and individuals
  • An understanding of FLIP it thinking for managers and teams for resilience

More about the Laughlogy mental health workshop

What is the difference between mental health and mental illness?

People increasingly talk about mental health and mental illness as interchangeable things. But they’re not. Just as we all have health, we all have mental health.

We can have good mental health, poor mental health or be somewhere in between at any given time. Mental illnesses are health conditions, which involve changes in our thinking, emotions or behaviours.

How are mental health and wellbeing related?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines mental health as ‘a state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community’.

Why work with Laughology?

At Laughology, we understand human behaviour, feelings and motivation. Our expertise is delivering taboo and sensitive subjects and exploring issues in an engaging and fun way.

We use humour to break the ice and provide a platform which enables people to have frank, open conversations.

This session is an opportunity to seek out practical ideas which can be taken back to the workplace in order to create a supportive culture around mental health.

We're feeling the love!

The session was amazing. So funny, full of engaging, but also pertinent raising relevant, current issues and looking at how to address them. 

CIPD Gibraltar branch

Good session - Informative yet entertaining, on a serious topic.

I enjoyed yesterday’s session I found it to be both informative and enjoyable I thought Kerry was very good and encompassed the right amount of humour within the course subject to keep me engaged though out the duration

The course content was very good with the right mix of interaction, slides and videos

Brands and organisations we work with:

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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.