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Is your job safe? Not according to waxy-faced Elon Musk


Mix yourself a Negroni, put your feet up, grab a copy of Closer magazine. It’s Monday morning and there’s absolutely nothing to do because the robots have taken over.  Who says? That waxy-faced billionaire soothsayer Elon Musk, that’s who, so it must be true. Elon revealed his dystopian prediction that artificial intelligence will eventually make paid work redundant during a Q&A...

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648 Hits

Winter wellbeing - get yours with a daily dose of happiness


Dark winter nights are drawing in, and end-of-year fatigue might be cropping up for you and your team. The change in seasons can have a negative impact on winter wellbeing, especially if you are one of the 2 million UK people who struggle with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). If this sounds like you, then read on to find out about one...

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1526 Hits

Is it a good idea for leaders to facilitate friendships in the workplace with team building days?


Gallup research states that having a “best friend at work” is closely associated with positive factors such as greater employee engagement, higher retention and better safety records, now call me cynical but surely that’s straight from the University of No Sh&t, Sherlock aka common sensicles. Friends are good for you. They are why Ross, Rachel, Joey, Phoebe and Chandler remained in...

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839 Hits

Baking the blues away! Small, practical things that can make a big difference to your mental health


There are very few things in life that cake can’t help with. You may think this is quite a broad statement, but I stand by it. It’s not just the eating of it, though. There are various enjoyable stages: planning which cake you’d like to bake or eat, exploring new ingredients, the baking process and then… the best bit. Nope, not...

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869 Hits

Learning trends in 2023 - creating a great learning experience for people and teams


Working and learning patterns have changed since the pandemic, but you don’t need us to tell you that. Working patterns were turned on their heads, and those changes are now permanent. Since then, organisations have had to evolve and adapt their L&D functions accordingly. We spoke to senior learning and development (L&D) leaders in various organisations and asked for their opinions...

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642 Hits

The P word - what is the real meaning of privilege?


I was speaking to a Canadian relative recently who has the pleasure of working from anywhere in the world, so she normally chooses countries in the Caribbean, South America or Africa. She’d rather be in the sunshine despite her deep love of poutine. This is one of Canada’s national dishes and is made up of chips drenched in gravy and cheese...

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1017 Hits

Creating Comfort: Promoting psychological safety through personality profiling


Have you ever done one of those personality profile tests where you’re given a colour? And no, I don’t mean one of those quizzes to find out which house you’d be in at Hogwarts. What I’m talking about is where some magic monkeys, also not at Hogwarts, perfectly sum up my personality and communication style based on the 25 questions I...

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1107 Hits

Post-summer blues? Here’s how to get the ‘oomph’ back for you and your team


Are you ready for the crash, which this year seems doubly cruel because Mother Nature and her chum, El Nino, have decided to lay on a heatwave for us just as we’re all trudging back to work? According to many websites and magazines with space to fill, the September blues are a thing. It's common to get feelings of anxiety '...

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1260 Hits

Bored of hearing about mental health?


Me too. And I’ve been going mental for months now, just starting to come out the other side.  Why did I get ill? We. Don’t. Know. And I’ve been sending myself around the bend trying to work it out. Could it be a cumulative response to the perfect storm? Hormones – hello perimenopause - a main contender, having experienced the previous...

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966 Hits

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