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Driven by a passion for people and helping others to be the best version of themselves, she has over 15 years of experience working with people from all walks of life. 

This vast experience includes the voluntary sector, with some of the most challenging groups in society, supporting them to make positive changes to their lives as well as delivering development programmes in prisons and running leadership development programmes in some of the top businesses in the UK.  

With specialisms in cultural change, performance coaching and mental health, she’s the perfect new Laughology member.

Louisa loves new adventures and challenges, and you’ll often find her out in the mountains, hiking, fell-running, outdoor swimming, and generally saying yes to trying new things.  

Phew! It’s exhausting just reading about her. 

Louisa is one of Laughology’s New Kids on the Block. If you’re thinking 80’s boy band doing back flips and the running man, you wouldn’t be far off.  And her energy? Louisa would give Red Bull a run for their money. Mix this with her vast experience as a facilitator, coach and learning and development professional - and maybe a bandanna - and you’ve got Louisa.

Winter wellbeing - get yours with a daily dose of happiness


Dark winter nights are drawing in, and end-of-year fatigue might be cropping up for you and your team. The change in seasons can have a negative impact on winter wellbeing, especially if you are one of the 2 million UK people who struggle with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). If this sounds like you, then read on to find out about one...

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1508 Hits

Too much to do, never enough time? Don’t panic - here are five strategies to try


Are you a leader juggling so many plates you’re considering a side job as an acrobat? Are you always rushing from one meeting to the next at the speed of an F1 racing driver without the pit crew? Do you feel overwhelmed by constant demands on your time and attention?  You are not alone. A regular theme I hear time and...

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1439 Hits

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