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Unconscious bias says Sarah Creegan is fan of Downton Abbey, EastEnders, cookery programmes, she loves Steps (who doesn't), and has two dogs!

Unconscious bias says Sarah Creegan is fan of Downton Abbey, EastEnders, cookery programmes, she loves Steps (who doesn't), and has two dogs!
Creegan portrait hi res TU

Have you ever wondered what people think about you? In particular, what’s their first impression of you? The warm up exercise for Laughology’s Unconscious Bias session, asks the audience to answer some questions about the trainer, based purely on what the person delivering looks like and the few words that they have, thus far, uttered. When running a course last week,...

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5290 Hits

Right royal slap in the face

Right royal slap in the face

There were many enduring photos of the spectacle that was the Royal Wedding over the weekend. One memorable image was the miserable trout pout worn by Victoria Beckham who clearly missed the memo that explained it was not a funeral, but a day of celebration, happiness and joy. Mrs Beckham wandered around with a face devoid of any jubilation and looked...

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4954 Hits

Sarah Creegan wonders if a hill of dirt could help teachers cope with excessive workloads

Sarah Creegan wonders if a hill of dirt could help teachers cope with excessive workloads

‘Mini-beasts’ is a popular summer term topic in infant classes around the country. Young children will be learning about these amazingly resilient creatures and the fantastic things that they achieve. Mini-beasts show tremendous backbone, despite not having an actual backbone, being incredibly small and easily squishable. Currently, there are a lot of news headlines about the pressures on teachers and the...

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4188 Hits

Dave Keeling: There needs to be a much greater emphasis on learning and development in the workplace to address the skills gap

Dave Keeling: There needs to be a much greater emphasis on learning and development in the workplace to address the skills gap

“The world economy no longer pays you for what you know; Google knows everything. The world economy pays you for what you can do with what you know.” – Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills for the OECD. We are, it appears living in a world of unprecedented change, which is giving rise to a severe skills gap. According to inaugural...

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4888 Hits

Sarah Creegan's pursuit of happiness is denied by a singing 11-year-old on a bike

Sarah Creegan's pursuit of happiness is denied by a singing 11-year-old on a bike

We know that, if adults in homes and schools are happy, then the children around them are more likely to be happy too. Similarly, when children are happy, it rubs off on us grown-ups. Well, it does usually. I am writing this at 7am on Sunday morning, having come away for a leisurely weekend to a beautiful village in deepest, darkest...

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5730 Hits

On International Day of Happiness, Laughology's CEO, Stephanie Davies, asks: "Is it okay to be unhappy?"

On International Day of Happiness, Laughology's CEO, Stephanie Davies, asks: "Is it okay to be unhappy?"

You might think it's a bit odd that a happiness expert is writing about being unhappy? However the obsession the media and government seem to have with happiness has lead me to want to set the record straight. It’s OK to be unhappy - even on International Day of Happiness. Let me start by saying I am a firm believer in...

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6127 Hits

How are the new years resolutions going?

How are the new years resolutions going?

As we charge headfirst into February, hands up if a) you made a New Year’s Resolution a month or so ago, and b) you are still on track to achieve it. Mmmmm, I thought not! If you want to know the percentage of people who fail to keep their New Year’s Resolutions, there are various statistics at the push of an internet search...

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5753 Hits

Are SATS a dirty word?

Are SATS a dirty word?

At ten years old and in Year 6, my youngest of three is perched on the edge of childhood. Any parent with a child of the same age will recognise the time, where you start see the first indications of a transition. It is an inevitable rite of passage when a little girl or boy begins to leave a few of...

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5086 Hits

How your development plan and HR strategy can help you buck the trend in 2018

How your development plan and HR strategy can help you buck the trend in 2018

The world of work is changing at a head-spinning rate and opportunity for positive change comes in many forms. Smart organisations are embracing factors such as Brexit, changes in traditional patterns of employment, technological advances and shifts in customer behaviour to create robust, future-fit cultures. The future is arriving faster than many suspected or planned for but with the right knowledge...

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5624 Hits

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