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Does the idea of speaking in public fill you with dread?

Does the idea of speaking in public fill you with dread?

Does the idea of speaking in public fill you with dread? If so you’re in the majority.  According to the national institute of mental health, up to 75% of people have a phobia of public speaking, also known as Glossophobia.  It doesn’t matter how many times you practice, as soon as you get in front of an audience, your voice starts shaking,...

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5660 Hits

Coming up Trumps to deliver outstanding presentation skills

Coming up Trumps to deliver outstanding presentation skills

If you’re interested in communication that gets a reaction, take a look at the American elections.  Love him or loathe him, Donald Trump is the king of controversy, with his outrageous and self- aggrandising statements. Is it any wonder he’s nearly incited civil war? When he speaks, people listen, even if they don’t like what comes out his mouth. When we...

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6317 Hits

Top 10 tips to deliver outstanding presentation skills

Top 10 tips to deliver outstanding presentation skills

Does the idea of speaking in public fill you with dread?  If so you’re in the majority also known as Glossophobia, public speaking is one of the most common phobias.  So ahead of our presentations skills course we have put together some top tips you can print out and use to help you get through your next presentation.   Challenge your...

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6588 Hits

Sweetness and light and all things bright

Sweetness and light and all things bright

What do I need to bring me true happiness? Do I need a list of 45 joyous things to do, do I need cupcakes, chocolates and flowers? Or is it a case of what I have always known deep down (and I suspect you also do too); without the Smurfs in my life, I can never find true happiness. But, if...

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6251 Hits

How important is workplace happiness? Ask JD Sports

How important is workplace happiness? Ask JD Sports

In a Channel 4 report, working practices were revealed at a JD Sports distribution centre that would make a Victorian workhouse owner shudder. Workers at the retailer’s Rochdale warehouse can apparently be sacked after three minor misdemeanours. Offences include sitting down, chewing gum, being late or having a mobile phone. The report also claimed that employees are not paid while they...

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10102 Hits

Blue Monday 'is a load of cock and bull'.

Blue Monday 'is a load of cock and bull'.

Blue Monday; a New Order song, a colour pallet from B&Q and the scientifically- proven most depressing day of the year. Only one of these things is true and in my opinion worth paying any attention to (it’s the New Order song btw). The third Monday in January is known as Blue Monday. Apparently, it is the most miserable day in...

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6985 Hits

Mental health should be part of a winning strategy for all organisations

Mental health should be part of a winning strategy for all organisations

On her first day in office last July the new PM, Mrs T, stood outside Downing Street and said the crisis facing mental health services was one of the "burning injustices" she was going to address. Today in a major domestic policy speech Theresa May vowed she would do more to tackle inequalities and outlined a series of measures to improve...

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6158 Hits

The Mindset Of A Superhuman

The Mindset Of A Superhuman

Since the Paralympics has finished and I am still awash with feelings (team GB’s most successful ever), of inspiration, motivation and euphoria at having witnessed event after event full of athletes pushing the boundaries of what mind and body can do. Day after day I heard incredible stories of individuals who either through illness, accidents, or birth had battled through the...

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6649 Hits

How do you avoid boredom at work?

How do you avoid boredom at work?
Boredom illi

This week the first official legal case of boredom at work was reported. A Frenchman is suing his former employer for what he is calling ‘’bore-out’’. Desnard 44, who worked for Interparfums between 2010 and 2014 claims he was turned into ‘’a professional zombie’’ and is seeking 360,000 euros (approx. £300,000) for ‘’being killed professionally through boredom’’. He told Agence France-Presse...

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6562 Hits

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