A recent article in the Guardian by Eliza Anyangwe, called 'How to nurture your four most important friends' refers to a research paper by evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar. It claims that you can only rely on 1 in 4 of your Facebook friends, and that close friendships need to be maintained in person. This got me thinking: what is defined as a really...
Last week the BBC reported on how parents struggle to get children off digital devices. Carol Iddon Managing Director of Operations at Action for Children said: “technology is often a necessary part of the lives of children and parents alike, but it’s important to maintain a balance with other activities and quality family time”. Now while this article points out that parents are...
We’ve all been stressed at different points in our life, some more than others and some of us can deal with stress better than others. It can depend on how you’re brought up, what’s happening in your life presently and resilience skills amongst others things. Research released this month by MIND stated that over 55% of people interviewed stated that they...
In this blog post, Juliette Yardley, Laughology consultant and, sometimes sweaty, trainer, explores how 6.30 am gym sessions with 15 other giggly, dancing ladies, can encourage a positive mind-set and offers some top tips when trying something new or getting others to do the same. Whenever I told people I was in the gym 3 or 4 mornings a week...
We are all familiar with the quote: “history is written by the victors”. Well, the South Korean Government has taken this one step further, by banning any history textbook that hasn’t been approved by the state (yes, it is the South part of Korea we are talking about). This blog post questions if education should really be decided by people who have little experience and insight into the full breadth and potential of schools and offers some insights on how to encourage creativity and deeper thinking in schools.
In this blog post Dave Keeling, Laughology trainer and consultant offers you his top 10 list of teacher thinking skills to create a more free thinking and collaborative environment in your classroom. It would appear as an outsider looking in that education is quite literally going backwards. As the Conservatives cram us all into a scholastic Delorean and take us...
VW has always known that there is a commercial benefit to developing a trustworthy and reliable brand. The motor car manufacturer has used the values of trust and dependability in its marketing for years. And it has had huge success. Then, last week, the balloon went up and all that hard work disintegrated practically overnight. The German car giant admitted cheating...
Is it when everything goes to plan? When nobody interrupts you? When you achieve what you set out to achieve that day? If these are your criteria then you may be setting yourself up for a fall. Anyone who’s ever been to a family wedding knows that an event rarely goes exactly to plan, and that a spanner will be thrown...
Last week new guidelines from health watchdog, NICE, urged employers to make sure their staff work reasonable hours and take regular breaks along with other seemingly obvious suggestions that will make workplaces happier and healthier. Whether your called a manager, team leader, head teacher or supervisor or just 'the boss', good leaders are the key to creating happier, healthier workplaces. In...