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Creating Happy-Centred schools and individuals that flourish

Creating Happy-Centred schools and individuals that flourish

In the UK, broadly speaking there are two types of school-leaver. There are those who leave reluctantly because school life enriched them. Usually they have the next years mapped out and an idea of the direction their lives will take. And then there are those who walk out of the school gates for the last time whooping and cheering because for...

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6219 Hits

Will Brexit turn us into a nation of negative thinking, fixed mind-set quitters?

Will Brexit turn us into a nation of negative thinking, fixed mind-set quitters?

First we quit the EU, our PM then steps down, over half the Labour shadow cabinet resigns and Roy Hodgsen, reporting he lost faith in the England team and they had given up on themselves. Since the referendum there has been an onslaught of negativity and fixed mind-set from every angle.  Whether you voted in or out, it’s paramount that individuals...

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5467 Hits

3 techniques you can use to improve team bonding

3 techniques you can use to improve team bonding

What makes your team happy? It’s a very exciting time for my family and friends because I’ve got a new tent. They’re all asking lots of questions: which one did you get, what colour is it, how many does it sleep and the all-important, has it got a fitted carpet? In a study carried out by the Camping and Caravan Club,...

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8218 Hits

Discrimination and unconscious bias - Is it OK to laugh about it?

Discrimination and unconscious bias - Is it OK to laugh about it?

You are unquestionably biased. For many, this is difficult to understand and accept. Suppressing this fact and avoiding discussion of your unconscious bias will only strengthen the time-bomb ticking away in teams worldwide. As intuitive, sensitive and professional people we should be above such prejudice? Surely within the public sector, with diversity, equality and accessibility firmly on the agenda we should rise above...

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6947 Hits

Are your Facebook friends really your friends?

Are your Facebook friends really your friends?

A recent article in the Guardian by Eliza Anyangwe, called 'How to nurture your four most important friends' refers to a research paper by evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar. It claims that you can only rely on 1 in 4 of your Facebook friends, and that close friendships need to be maintained in person. This got me thinking: what is defined as a really...

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5777 Hits

Do you suffer from ‘Phantom vibration’ or 'Nomophobia'?

Do you suffer from ‘Phantom vibration’ or 'Nomophobia'?

Last week the BBC reported on how parents struggle to get children off digital devices.  Carol Iddon Managing Director of Operations at Action for Children said: “technology is often a necessary part of the lives of children and parents alike, but it’s important to maintain a balance with other activities and quality family time”. Now while this article points out that parents are...

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5975 Hits

Creating stress-free schools, and taking control - 5 things you should try

Creating stress-free schools, and taking control - 5 things you should try
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We’ve all been stressed at different points in our life, some more than others and some of us can deal with stress better than others. It can depend on how you’re brought up, what’s happening in your life presently and resilience skills amongst others things. Research released this month by MIND stated that over 55% of people interviewed stated that they...

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9068 Hits

...giggling, sweating, smiling, singing, dancing - Juliette Yardley has never laughed so much!

...giggling, sweating, smiling, singing, dancing - Juliette Yardley has never laughed so much!

In this blog post, Juliette Yardley, Laughology consultant and, sometimes sweaty, trainer, explores how 6.30 am gym sessions with 15 other giggly, dancing ladies, can encourage a positive mind-set and offers some top tips when trying something new or getting others to do the same.   Whenever I told people I was in the gym 3 or 4 mornings a week...

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7324 Hits

You don’t need to think - we know what you need to know.

You don’t need to think - we know what you need to know.

We are all familiar with the quote: “history is written by the victors”. Well, the South Korean Government has taken this one step further, by banning any history textbook that hasn’t been approved by the state (yes, it is the South part of Korea we are talking about). This blog post questions if education should really be decided by people who have little experience and insight into the full breadth and potential of schools and offers some insights on how to encourage creativity and deeper thinking in schools.

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6164 Hits

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