Throughout the month we have been introducing you to new way of coaching that we call Big Chats, Little Chats. We started the series by explaining how we developed an innovative new coaching model for the 21st Century as a pilot programme for telecoms giant O2. The programme has been hugely successful, boosting retail sales by 23 percent where it’s been...
Change is a comin’, that much is certain. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of uncertainty about what that change will look like. But how about some good Brexit news? Firstly, change often brings benefits, and secondly, the more you prepare for change (no matter how uncertain the circumstances are), the less of a shock it will be. This should give you confidence...
At the start of the month we explained how we developed an innovative new coaching model for the 21st Century called Big Chats, Little Chats. The programme has been piloted with O2 and has been hugely successful, boosting retail sales by 23 percent where it’s been used and increasing management engagement scores.
Last week we published a case study explaining how we developed an innovative new coaching model for the 21st Century called Big Chats, Little Chats. The programme has been piloted with O2 and has been hugely successful, boosting retail sales by 23 percent where its been used and increasing management engagement scores. We explained how BC,LC consists of three modules, and this week we...
Historically, business leaders and managers have been judged on outcomes alone. However, from the work that Laughology has done in recent years, we can see a shift in thinking. Now, in an increasing number of organisations, people’s performance is assessed by looking at both what they have achieved and how they have achieved it – their behaviours.
As a parent, it can be with a sense of disbelief that you realise the time has come for supporting your child with SATS. After all, it seems like seconds ago that you walked them to school for the very first time, dropping them off with a sense of trepidation. Would they cope without you? Would they cry? Would they remember...
If you meet a Year 6 teacher in January, the likelihood is that they are a shadow of their September selves. Gone are the dapper dress sense and the happy-go-lucky attitude. That feeling of easily ‘surviving SATS’ seemed a lifetime ago. Now, however, some are counting down the weeks, others the days, until that dreaded week in May. Headteachers have maniacal...
At ten years old and in Year 6, my youngest of three is perched on the edge of childhood. Any parent with a child of the same age will recognise the time, where you start see the first indications of a transition. It is an inevitable rite of passage when a little girl or boy begins to leave a few of...