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Why be all ‘blah, blah, blah’ when you can be all ‘yah, yah, yah’?

Getting your communication style on-point gives you the edge and, more importantly, spreads the happiness. In fact, it’s so important that 85% of our success can be determined by our ability to communicate. Here’s why: 
1. Relationship cement
Good communication builds and maintains healthy relationships like a dollop of super-strength cement. Trust and loyalty are key factors in any relationship and both are boosted by communication which is focused on meeting individual needs, conveying important information and providing feedback. Communication leads to friendship and those who have friends are happier.

2. Confidence booster
Effective communication is a confidence super power. It increases our ability to be heard and understood, which in turn makes us feel valued and empowers us to speak out, to approach strangers, to talk in large groups and to be friendly. 

3. Deal with the tricky stuff
Life isn’t always easy and sometimes we need to have difficult conversations. People who can understand others and communicate in a clear, concise, assertive way are better equipped to take charge and reach a desired outcome. Empathy, clarity and consistent messages can help people see the positive side of perceived difficulties and identify the potential opportunities to be had from difficult situations.

4. Balance
People who can communicate what they want from life clearly and effectively have a better chance of getting it than those who can’t. This applies in our personal relationships and in work, where open conversations with colleagues help us achieve better results.

5. Cut through the waffle
Why use ten words when three work just as well? Skillful and simple communication explains complex ideas with clarity. This promotes understanding which leads to acceptance and belief.

6. Take the lead
The best leaders are usually the best communicators. They use communication to listen, inspire, energise and engage across all styles and generations.

7. Stress buster
Staying focused, learning to listen and being open-minded are all communication skills that usually result in less conflict and stress and more health, happiness and success. We can also help ourselves to build a more positive mindset through the words we use. More positive language makes a difference to how we feel.

8. Make the right impression
If you hit the right communication notes, you make a positive impression. This requires us to understand our communication preferences and those of others, so we can connect quickly. In today’s competitive, fast-paced world, the ability to network well and make an impression can lead to increased responsibility, greater pay and improved opportunities for advancement.

9. Connect with empathy
Improve your communication skills and your links with everyone around you. Practice empathy, put yourself in the other people’s shoes and by listening with compassion and open-mindedness to build trust and open connections.

10. Manage the noise
So much communication is noise. Email, phone calls, texts, meetings, social media – they all vie for your attention. Manage the information overflow with your own parameters and good communication practices. This will free up more time to do whatever makes you truly happy.

So, strengthening communication skills can lead to success, better relationships, a more balanced life, better mental health and ultimately more happiness. 
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